Alright, Let's Do This Thing!

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(Y/n)'s POV

It's been at least a month since I've returned. Most of the time that I've been back, I have been trying to get healthy again. So far, I gained weight, which was good, since I barely had any. I was just a few pounds less than what I was before the entire kidnapping thing.

I've also had no visions at all, so I've been getting lots and lots of sleep... mom would be proud. I relaxed on my bed as I heard the door slide open. I looked over and saw that Lance was there. I said nothing as he laid down next to me and cuddled.

I relaxed into his arms and closed my eyes. "I missed this." Lance said. I hummed in agreement, then stayed silent. It was peaceful, well for a few minutes, then the alarm went off. Lance and I groaned loudly. "¿Por qué, Por qué Ahora?" Lance and I muttered. (Why, why right now?)


I stood next to Lance and Keith as Allura and Coran stood in front of us, aka the team. They had a projection of one of the many solar systems up, there was was a bright red dot on one planet. I looked at the projection with curiosity, why would only one planet have a red dot?

"We've received our first distress signal in weeks, it's from Planet Imnosili, it's not a well known planet." Allura said. "The message just said, 'Help, Galra, In need of assistance and hope', other than that, there's basically nothing" Coran informed.

"It's going to be your mission to go to Imnosili and help them, but I think you get the gist by now." Allura said. We all smirked and Shiro spoke up, "Alright guys, you heard the Princess, let's suit up." We all walked out, but Keith stopped me.

"Hold up, and where are you going?" Keith asked me. I looked at him confused and replied, "I'm just going to go suit up... like what Shiro just told us to do." "Yeah, but you're still recovering." Keith said.

"Oh come on, a month is long enough time for me to recover." I argued. "Oh yeah, prove it." Keith said. "Fine then, I will." I argued back. I sent a fake punch with my right arm and Keith brought his hand up. I took my chance and grabbed his wrist and sent a harmless punch with my left arm.

Keith grunted as my fist hit his chest. "Ok, you're better, geez, since when were you so strong?" Keith asked. I laughed and started walking away. "Since I was on my 'Vacation'." I teased. I looked at Keith, he just grinned and rolled his eyes. I laughed a bit then headed off to suit up.

When we got there, the first thing we did was fly out. As we flew by, I took notice of the area around. It was empty, in the map it showed other planets, but there were none around, only the navy colored one in front of us.

We all flew close to the ground, then we stopped. "The distress signal is coming straight from that fort." Pidge said. "Alright, let's go in, stay alert, we don't know what could happen." Shiro said.

Lance and I went in first, we held up our blasters, scanning the area, then we gave a signal to continue. The team followed as we walked further into the fort. The hallway we walked through had light blue lining on the walls, they gave off a little bit of light.

I gripped onto my bayard as we neared the end of the hallway, I steadied my breathing. We reached the end and there were more hallways... 6 more hallways. "Alright, everyone take a hallway, be aware of your surroundings." Shiro said.

We all nodded and went through different ones. Shiro took the one in the center, Kieth took one on the right, Pidge took one on the left, Hunk took one on the left of Pidge, Lance took one on the right of Keith, and I took the one that was separated from the others.

☆Lance's twin sister☆ {Keith X Reader} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now