Chapter 1~A new era in life{Part 5}

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(Y/N)'s POV
I looked over to Lance and nodded, and he looked back at me then nodded as well. We both jogged into the lion while the others were slow to follow us. Lance sat down in a chair and said, "Alright now let's get things rolling." He smirked but then the chair moved forward and he let out a strained groan. I laughed a bit then  walked up next to him and leaned on the chair. Everyone else came in and looked around in awe. I zoned out and tried to comprehend what we were in. I felt the lion shake and we took off into the sky. I held on to seat tightly while everyone else was either keeping their screams in or letting it all out. "You are the worst pilot EVER!" Keith yelled out. I laughed as we continued to fly all the way into space. "Where are we?" I asked. "At the edge of the solar system, look, there's Keberos." Shiro said. "It takes months for the garison ships to get this far yet we got here in a few seconds." Pidge said amazed. I started to feel a bit paranoid as I looked around then that's when I saw the huge purple ship. "Uh guys we got company, look." I said while pointing to the huge ship. "They found me." Shiro said quietly. I looked at him worried as the lion shook again. 'What did they do to him,' I thought 'well whatever they did I'll make them pay for it.' I felt the lion shake which threw me out of my thoughts. Lance was attacking the ship with different weapons the lion had.
[Time skip to when you get to Arus because I'm horrible at describing battle scenes]
We all walked out of the blue lion and looked at the castle in front of us. "So is it gonna-" I tried to say but got cut off by the blue lion standing up. "OH MAN I KNEW IT WAS GONNA EAT US!" Hunk yelled. I stepped in front of Lance with my arm out trying to protect him but I let go of that stance since the doors to the castle opened. "Oh it wasn't going to eat us, sorry what I said about you." Hunk said. I shook my head lightly and walked in with the others. When we walked in the doors closed and we looked around. "Considering the size of the lion I thought these steps would be larger." Pidge said. A blue light shined and started to scan us. "Please hold for scanning." "What do you want from us?" Shiro asked. The lights turned off and a hallway was lit up. We all walked down while Hunk kept on asking, "Hello?" We reached this huge room with 8 circles on the floor and a podium in the middle. "Woah this actually really nice." I whispered to Lance. He looked at me and smiled in return. Two pods rose up and they had people in them. "A-are those guys dead?" Hunk asked. The first pod opened and a very beautiful women was in it. I felt a blush rise to my cheeks as I stared at her. "FATHER." She said while opening her eyes. I blushed harder as she fell but Lance caught her. I watched him blush too until he started to talk. "Hello~" "Who are you, where's king Alfor?" She asked. "I'm lance, and you right here in my arms." Lance replied. "Your ears, they're hideous, what's wrong with them?" She asked. She piched his ear and held him down. "What are you all doing here." She asked. "We got here because of a blue lion that's all we know!" I said. She looked shocked then let go of Lance and walked up to the panel. I walked up to Lance and helped him up. "Are you ok Lancey Lance?" I asked. Before he replied another pod opened and a man jumped out but we moved out of the way. "You two should be glad I got the old sleepy legs or I would've 1 2 3 sleeping time." He said. "Oh yeah well we would've hah woa!" Lance said while doing karate moves, I laughed a bit and caught a glimpse of Keith blushing. 'What's his problem' "It can't be," The lady said. "We've been asleep for ten thousand years!"

☆Lance's twin sister☆ {Keith X Reader} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now