Team Voltron as Incorrect Quotes

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(Y/n): Pidge, are you ready to come out and socialize with people?
Pidge: [Demonic screeching]
(Y/n): Understandable, have a nice day

Keith: I'm not gonna get married until I find the one for me.
(Y/n): [Runs into a table] Ow, sorry
Keith: My wedding is this Sunday by that huge field down the road.

Lance: I just have one question.
Hunk: What is Lance?
Lance: What color is an orange?
Hunk: Lance you bonehead, the color is in its name, just like a lemon.

Keith: You can't tell me what to do!
(Y/n): I'm telling Shiro!
Keith: Wait no-

(Y/n): I'm replaceable :(
Lance: You can have another gunner :(
Keith with a spray bottle: [Sprays them with water] Bad.

(Y/n) on the phone: Hypothetically, if I tied ten (10) drones to myself, would I fly?
Shiro: You probably need more than that, why?
Shiro hearing whirring sounds in the background: (Y/N) I SWEAR TO GOD-

Keith: Nose
Keith: I just typed that with my nose
Lance: Dick
Keith: I'm blocking you

Hunk: Did you eat all the donuts?
Pidge: No
Hunk: What's that on your pants?
Pidge panicking: It's cocaine

Coran, Allura, Shiro, and Keith: [Talking and going on a moderate pace on the teacups]
Hunk, Pidge, Lance, and (Y/n): [Zooms past them screaming]

Space Police Sirens: [Wailing in the background]
(Y/n) and Hunk, who have never done anything wrong in their life: They found us

Keith: I'm in a bad mood >:(
Shiro: Hold on [brings in (Y/n)]
(Y/n): :)
Keith fighting a smile: Dammit

Garrison Lance and (Y/n): Who are you?
Lance and (Y/n): We're you, but insecure and closer

Allura: Words ending with an ie are so cute, like sweetie, cookie, cutie-
Keith: Die

Pidge: Are you a big or little spoon?
(Y/n): I'm a knife
Keith: She's a little spoon

Lance: Here's a nice, warm, cup of coffee
Pidge: It's cold
Lance: nice cup of coffee
Pidge: It's disgusting
Lance: Cup of coffee
Pidge: This isn't even coffee!
Lance: Cup

Lance: Who ate my cheez-itz, I'm gonna KI-
(Y/n): It was me
Lance: Kiss them and cherish every moment with you, God you're amazing
Keith hiding behind the couch: Thank you

Shiro, a tired dad: Okay, let's try this again, what do you do when you're trapped under huge rubble while the galra are attacking.
(Y/n): Call Team Vol-

(Y/n): Did you hear that?
Lance: Hear what?
(Y/n) downing her 6th red bull: My body is emitting a sound, it's the pitch of a high B.
Lance, a concerned brother: ...

Coran: Alright team, hope you got some sleep!
Pidge: Sometimes I close my eyes

Pidge: What's that sound?
Hunk: Lance accidentally hit (Y/n) in the face really hard and she got knocked out, so now he's crying until she wakes up.
Lance crying: She didn't deserve it, I'm a monster

(Y/n) jokingly: You're not allowed to fall in love with me.
Keith: No problem
A few days later
Keith: T H E R E ' S  A  P R O B L E M

Allura on the phone: Where are you guys?
Pidge: Ah you know in an alley way
(Y/n): Our weed dealer has new goods
Allura: at least we know where you are
Shiro with Allura: Allura  n o

Shiro: Okay, pretend that I'm a bad guy that's gonna mug you
Lance: okay
Shiro: give me all your money!
Lance: Bold of you to assume that I have money!

Allura: I don't think this is a good Christmas present Shiro
Shiro: trust me, it's perfect for her
The next day
(Y/n) trying to hug all 12 roombas: I LOVE MY CHILDREN, THANK YOU SHIRO

Shiro: Hey can you hold this for me
Lance: I don't know, I can barely hold up my depression
Shiro: Just hold the goddamn grocery bag

Keith: [walks into the kitchen at 3 am]
(Y/n): [silently crying on the floor] my cookies fell...
Keith: it's okay [joins her on the ground]

(A/n): oof, that's all I could come up with for today. Hope you like these cursed text scenarios

756 words

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