Crystal Venom

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(Y/n)'s POV
I walked into the detainment room with a yawn, "What's going.... on?" I saw Sendak in a pod. "Okay paladins, Sendak is almost all hooked up. But look I have to warn you, this technology was used to keep Altean memories alive, not to interrogate prisoners." Coran said ignoring my comment.
"Coran, we understand that this wasn't what the technology was meant for, but if we can extract Sendak's memories, then we may be able to gain valuable information of Zarkon's troop location." Shiro said.
'Wow Shiro's eager to get the information.' I thought. "Yeah then we can just be like, Knock Knock, Who's there, the legendary fury of Voltron Son!" Lance acted out, I laughed at him. "Fascinating, so how exactly does this work?" Pidge asked.
"As the memories are extracted, they're written bit by bit on individual molecules of the micro-storage strands." Coran said. 
"When I go, I want all the stuff in my brain stored into a giant ship." Lance said with a smug look. I chuckle and shake my head. "The amount of information in your brain could be stored in a paper airplane." Keith said sarcastically.
  "OH YEAH, well the amount of information you have Keith could be..." Lance took a moment to think. "Yeah?" Keith asked. "Well it's less than what I have!" Lance answered. "Oh good one Lance!" Hunk said.
I laughed as Keith groaned. Keith looked at me with a pout but I raised my hands up in defeat, "Sorry Keith I'm on Lance's side this time." He pouted even more with a blush.
"Anyway, so this is how you incorporated King Alfor's memories into the castle of lions?" Pidge asked. "Precisely, but it has never been attempted on an unwilling participant." Coran answered as he put on the finishing touches. The small pod glowed and made the sound of soft sloshing.
"Uh is that supposed to happen?" Hunk asked as we stared at the pod. "Let's give it some time." Shiro said. So that's what we did. We waited, and waited, and waited. I would steal some glances from Keith, he would grin and I would give him a wink.
All of us continued to stare, well besides Hunk he was asleep. Sendak's memories never showed up, he was the definition of unwilling participant. Everyone slowly left, once Keith started to walk out I got up, "Well I'm gonna go back to my room to fix some stuff."
I heard Lance whine as I walked out of the room. I heard a muffled chuckle as I walked out. I looked around in confusion then I turned around, only to be caught in a hug from Keith.
"Jesus, don't fucking do that Keef, you scared me!" I said. He grinned, "Well you deserve it, you sided with Lance instead of me." I groaned, "Well he's my brother!" "But you're my girlfriend." Keith groaned back.
I rolled my eyes as he pecked my cheek, "I love you." I smiled and kissed him, "Yo tambièn te quiero." "I have no idea what you said but I'm guessing you love me too." Keith said. I laughed and got out of his arms. "Okay now go train Mullet Head." I said.
Keith rolled his eyes and chuckled as he walked to the training room. I walked to my room, "That dork."

I took out the items in my bag and put them in some empty places. I also found some string and small clothing pins to hang up pictures. I hung the string above the head of my bed then put the clothing pins on them. I took out 3 pictures that I took this year.
  I put up this first one, it was my entire family, I took it durring their visit to the garrison. I then put up the second one, it was a picture of my and Lance, we both had face masks on. Then I put on the last one, the one Keith and I took last night, with the mice in the background.
I smiled and and got off the bed. I put my backpack in the corner of my room then I heard the vent rumble. I looked up and saw that it was moving weirdly. I stepped on my bed and felt it, the air was being sucked in instead of coming out.
  "This is a old castle anyway, I'll just tell coran." I said to myself. I walk to the door and put my hand on it, but it didn't open. I kept on trying but it didn't open. I felt my breathing quicken, "Guys, is anyone there, my door won't open and all the air is being sucked out of my room!"
Nobody answered me, "HELLO, HELP ME!" I started to bang on my door trying to get it to open. I was slowly running out of oxygen. "I REFUSE TO DIE LIKE THIS, ANYONE HELP Me..." I yelled out. Black dots filled my vision, as I slowly sunk down onto my knees.
'I can't go like this, I just started to get used to being a paladin, and I started dating Keith.' I thought as I weakly banged on the door. "Somebody help me, please." I said. I heard muffled voices, then bangs following them.
The door opened and there stood my saviors, Lance and Keith. "(Y/n)!" They both yelled. Keith picked me up as I took in deep breaths. "(Y/n), are you okay, can you breathe now?" Lance asked. I nodded and coughed, "Yeah, yeah I can, thanks you two for saving me."
  "My point proven, this castle is haunted, we were all almost killed!" Lance said. "(Y/n) can you walk?" Keith asked. I nodded and stood, "Yeah I can." They started walking, complaining about what just happened.
They continued walking as I saw the mice, they were squeaking. I looked at them in confusion as they ran down the other hallway. I followed them, without letting Lance or Keith know.

  "No, no I'm not like you." I heard shiro whimper. I looked in and saw Shiro holding his head. "That's no me!" Shiro said getting more fearful. "Shiro?" I asked, but he ignored me.
  "I'm not listening to you!" Shiro said. I stepped into the room. "Shiro who are you talking to?" I asked, he didn't budge. "STOP IT!" Shiro yelled out as he punched the pod.
  I stopped as he breathed hard. His eyes widened and hit the ejection button. I walked over to him, "Shiro, snap out of it!" He was kneeled onto the ground, he was sweating. "Shiro can you hear me, I'm right here!"
  Shiro gasped and looked up at me. "Shiro are you okay, who were you talking to, did Sendak do-" I said but I was cut short by Shiro. Shiro was hugging me, I slowly hugged him back. "You're okay, you're safe Shiro, I've got you." I said softly.
  He still held onto me tightly, "Sendak is gone, he can't harm you anymore." [Oh honey, if only you knew]  I looked at shiro, I've never seen him so defenseless, I'm used to the Shiro who is our protective leader.
  Shiro finally let go and I helped him lean against the pod to catch his breath. "Shiro, (Y/n), are you two okay?" Pidge asked as she and the others came in. I looked at her with a tired expression, "We've been better." "Where's Sendak?" Keith asked.
Shiro's breath hitched, "I-I had to get him out of here, I was hearing his voice, he...he can't be trusted on this ship!" Shiro said. I put a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him.
  "It is the ship, I got stuck in a crio-pod then in an airlock, Keith gets attacked by a robot, my sister was almost killed by a lack of oxygen in her room, and Hunk and Pidge got attacked by food, it's been a weird and long morning." Lance said.
  The alarm went off and a red screen appeared above us. "What how is that possible?" Coran said. "What is it?" Keith asked. "The ship is starting a wormhole jump!" Coran answered.
  I helped Shiro up as we all ran to the control room. When we arrived I saw Allura standing at her podium smiling, she seemed to be in a daze. "Allura what's going on?" Shiro asked firmly.
  "We're going to Altea, we're going home," Allura responded, "My father is taking us." We all ran to her put we were blocked by a barrier, I even got shocked a bit from it. "Stay away from my daughter!" The face of, who I suppose is, King Alfor said.
"Allura wake up, this isn't real!" I shouted. "The crystal must have corrupted King Alfor's artificial intelligence, it's taking over." Coran said. We exited the wormhole, only to be met with a blazing sun.
  "We're heading straight for a star and it's about to explode!" Pidge cried out. "I can see Altea!" Allura whispered happily. Coran ran up to the barrier, "Allura, Allura wake up, what you're seeing isn't real!" "I can see the Juniberry fields." Allura said.
  Coran's eyes widened and he said, "Where's the sweet scent of the Juniberries!" Allura was silent then gasped, "That's not Altea!" "When that star goes supernova it'll destroy the entire system, Allura you have to reset the course to get us out of here!" Pidge cried out.
  Allura quickly placed her hands on the  control panels, but it shocked her and she fell. I ran up and caught her as she stared at her father's hologram. "Father please, I beg you to turn this ship around, if you don't we will all soon perish!" Allura pleaded.
  "I know, that is my intention," Alfor said, "Don't you see daughter, Zarkon can never be defeated, He's been ruling for 10,000 years!" Then his hologram begun to fizz. "But we must continue to fight!" Allura said.
  "Fight for what, It's over for Altea, you don't have to live a lifetime of war, you can be with me and the rest of your people." King Alfor said "Father please, the paladins and I can still stop Zarkon, somewhere in there you must want that to happen." Allura said.
  Then King Alfor changed, "Allura, my A.I. has been corrupted, you must disconnect my power source!" Then the other one came back, trying to convince  Allura. I helped Allura stand straight as she spoke, "I do, I'll see you soon father."
  "I got to get into the A.I. chamber so that I can disconnect my father's power source manually." Allura said to us. "But that means... losing King Alfor forever." Coran said. Allura looked conflicted then she spoke, "Paladins get to your lions, I need you to slow down the castle's descend into the star."
  Everyone nodded and started to run off. I quickly gave allura a hug, "Stay strong Princess." She looked at me and nodded. I ran off into my lion ready to save out own skin.

  We all flew to the front of the ship and started to push. I used all my power to use as much boost as I could. Our efforts were in vain as the castle continued. 'Please hurry Allura, you can do this.' I thought.

  "Paladins, return to the hangars, we're getting out of here." Allura said through the comms. We all flew in as the castle entered a wormhole, right before the star exploded.
  We all stood by Allura, the atmosphere was quiet. I sat next to her and rubbed her back in a reassuring way. Allura looked at me, then hugged me. I hugged her back, I can't imagine the amount of pain she must be in.
  "I'm sorry about your father." Shiro said softly. "We all are." Hunk added. Allura pulled away from the hug and looked at everyone. "Thank you, but that wasn't my father," She said as she stood up, "The real King Alfor was a great man, and a great father, he may not be here with us anymore, but his dream lives on through all of us, his legacy is Voltron."
  I stood up and smiled, Keith grabbed my hand a little bit tight. I stared at him and he smiled softly, I then return the smile. In the corner of my eye I saw Pidge staring at Keith and I, like she had a plan.

(A/n): Yes another 2 chapter in one day, crazy right, hope you liked this one, only two more episodes to write and we'll be in season 2!

2,111 words

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