Space Mall!

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(A/n): Yes I am skipping "The Ark of Taujeer." Let's be honest, the only important thing that episode had was them finding out that Zarkon is tracking them through the Black lion and Hunk boding with his lion...

(Y/n)'s POV

   We were all gathered in the control room. "Okay look, I am now certain that  Zarkon is tracking us through the black lion, we have to find some way to stop him." Shiro said. "How are we gonna do that?" I asked. "We've never had this situation before, two paladins battling for the same lion." Allura said with her arms crossed.

  "Well, unless we want Zarkon taking control of Voltron everytime we get close, I'll have to forge a new bond with my lion, one that's stronger than his." Shiro answered. Coran then spoke up, "While your working on that the rest of us need to find some new teludav lenses, otherwise we won't be able to travel via wormhole."

  "Is that something we have to mail order?" Hunk asked. "Does anyone even make those anymore?" Keith added. "I don't know," Allura answered. We all looked at her as she continued, "Only a few Alteans could use the teludav 10,000 years ago, they may not exist anymore."

  Coran messed with his mustache and had a lightbulb moment, "I think I may know where we can get some." We all gathered around as Coran pulled up a screen. It had a picture of some 4 armed species, and another picture of Coran posing with a background that seemed to be swap shops.

  "Coran! You're not suggesting going to one of those filthy swap moons, last time you went those filthy space pirates took you for everything you had!" Allura exclaimed. "Space Pirates?" Lance asked. I had stars in my eyes and whispered, "Like... the ones in Star Wars." Lance looked at me and ruffled my hair, "You're a dork."

  "The Unilu were traders and pirates that roamed the galaxy and dealt in black market goods, Umvy Spice, By-Tor Water, little bottles of Infinty Vapor, but of course you had to bargain, no one could bargain like the Unilu," Coran started to chuckle, "Last time I ended up giving away three quarters of my shipment of lango in exchange for a used Pogo Oscillator!"

  Allura laughed along, "Father was not pleased about that!" 'What the flip flap paddy whack is a Pogo Ocelot thing...' I thought. "Well, while Coran is picking up his lenses I'll take you shopping for something sparkly." Lance said with a wink. Coran then got in between Lance and Allura. "This isn't shopping! You're not wandering around saying, oh what a lovely pink hat this is so becoming, No I can't allow Allura to get anywhere near those filthy, lowballing, Unilu hoodlums!" He exclaimed.

  "But I'd love something sparkly." Allura said with puppy dog eyes. "Look, you're the only one who can operate the castle, you need to be resting after all you've been through." Coran said. Allura pouted as Coran walked away. 'Hmm maybe I could find something sparkly for Allura!' I thought with a grin on my face.

  "Now let's ready a pod for our mission, we need to get in, find the scaultrite lenses, and just get out!" Coran instructed. "Shotgun!" Lance yelled while running. "What?! No, you have to be in the pod bay to call shot gun!" Hunk shouted following him. "Psh since when?" Lance responded. Hunk answered, "Uh, since for ever, that's shotgun etiquette, I wrote the book!"

  I groaned and followed alongside Keith, "They're worse than Dean and Andrew." Keith nodded then after a moment he looked at me confused, "Wait who are they?" "Hm?" "Those two boys that you just said." "Oh, just my old crew back at the garrison, why?" Keith blushed and continued looking forward, "Nothing, no reason." "Awe was my Keefy growing jealous?" I said in a baby voice.

   "No... maybe." He mumble while pouting. "Awe I love you too." I said while kissing his cheek. We boarded the  pod and waited. Once we started flying Coran spoke, "Hello? Back passengers? Can you hear me?" I leaned up against Keith and sighed. "Oh it's so comfy up here, extra leg room, heated seats, oh man!" Lance exclaimed.

☆Lance's twin sister☆ {Keith X Reader} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now