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(Y/n)'s POV
I clutched the handles to my lion. Memories of the last Monster came back. "Please tell me there's not a massive monster in there, please tell me it's empty," Hunk pleaded, "Or filled with space candy, one or both I don't care."
"Hunk, I don't think it's a space piñata." Lance mumbled. "Well if it's like the last monster, we know how to defeat it." Keith said. I saw that voltron formed a shield and sword.
"I doubt it, they wouldn't use the same trick twice, either they upgraded it, or they made something even worse." I said. Once I said that the box opened up, the creature was definitely nasty looking.
It looked like an angler fish, it had tentacles for arms, and it had this red armor on. Its eyes flashed green when it saw Voltron, then it shot a beam at them. Pidge luckily raised their shield on time, but the blast was so powerful it knocked them back.
"We need to draw its fire away from the Balmera surface!" Shiro ordered. We flew towards the monster but it jumped and fired a beam at us. I swerved right as Voltron swerved left. We tried everything, from slicing, to me blasting it several times.
"We can't hold out much longer!" Lance said. "My lion's weakening, if the shield takes any more, we're done for." Pidge said. "Pidge is right." Keith stated. "Oh pidge is right, I'm the one who said we can't hold out!" Lance stated. "Lance watch your footing!" Keith exclaimed. It was too late voltron tripped over and the shield disappeared.
"Ok team voltron disband!" Shiro said. They all split up into their separate lions. "Everyone evasive maneuvers, it can't shoot all of us at once!" Shiro said. Once he said that multiple beams were shot. "Okay... maybe it can do that." Shiro said as we all tried to invade the lasers.
The castle distracted it by shooting but the monster now focused on the castle. "Keith, (Y/n) shoot at it from the sides, I'll come in from above." Shiro instructed. We did as told, Keith even used his new heat ray, but there still wasn't a scratch on it.
"We need to find a blind spot." I said. "What blind spot, this thing has like a thousand eyes!" Pidge responded, "What do we do, fighting this thing is like fighting an entire fleet at once!" Then Keith spoke up, "I think we have to aim at those laser eyes and take it out."
"We'll cover you from up here." Allura said before the ship shot at the monster. The monster responded by shooting back at the castle. "Allura you got to get out of there, the ship will blow apart if you stay there any longer!" I exclaimed. "We will not abandon you!" Allura responded.
"You're not abandoning us, we're about to pull back anyway." Shiro said. "We are?" Hunk asked. "We can't hold out so we have to, Lions to the mine shafts, it's the only place that the monster can't reach us." Shiro said. I nodded and went below.
I landed in the mine shaft and got out, Shiro, Keith, and Hunk were there. Shay's family ran up to us once we got out. "What is happening?" Rex asked. "There's a monster out there that Zarkon sent to destroy us." Keith explained.
"A monster, will Zarkon ever stop this meaningless war, perhaps our people were never meant to be free." Shay cried into her father's arms. "Shay don't give up, Zarkon's power grows with every planet he conquers but he's weakened by every being that fights back." Hunk murmured.
"Fight back, against that monster, how?" Shay exclaimed. "I don't know but we can beat it, tell her Keith." Hunk said. "Can we?" Keith mumbled out. I looked down, I don't think I've ever felt this defeated. [Oh honey it gets worse, it gets so much worse]
"Yes we can, this is our first mission and we're not going to fail, we can beat it, we just need some time to come up with a plan." Shiro said. The ground shook and I heard a low rumbling, almost like a groan of pain.
"The weak noise comes from the Balmera itself, our home crumbles beneath our feet, the Balmera is dying." Rex said. The ground begun to crack open. "Our scanners are showing just that." Coran said, "Taking a crystal is like taking its life force from the Balmera, the Balmera needs time to regenerate itself to stay healthy, but the galra's greed may have cost this one its life."
"So what's gonna happen?" Hunk asked in uncertainty. "It's core will collapse, destabilizing the entire skeletal structure, anything or anyone standing on the Balmera will be crushed into dust." Coran answered. My eyes widened along with everyone else's.
"How long before it collapses?" Shiro asked. "Probably a matter of hours, the mighty organism gives itself to all, but not all return its kindness." Coran answered once again.
"Then our time is short, we'll evacuate the planet, we need to get all the Balmerans to the castle of the lions, before this planet collapses." Allura stated. "And how exactly are we gonna do that, that monster is still up there." Hunk asked.
"You'll need a distraction." Pidge said. "We'll engage the monster with our lions, with it distracted, Allura and Coran can load all the citizens into the ship." Shiro said.
"Or we could load them into our lions a few at a time and shuttle them into our ship, you know no need to engage with that ferocious monster, how long will that take?" Lance asked. "Days... weeks." Coran said.
"Look we don't have to beat this, we just need to bait it away from the ship, provoke and evade." Shiro said. "Look here's the thing I'm afraid that we're really good at the provoking part, but we're really bad at the evading part," Hunk said, "But if this is what it takes to save Shay and her people then I'm in."
"Can you contact the other Balmera?" I asked Shay. "I can... but I don't know what they'll say, leave the planet... our home." Shay responded. "It's the only option, I'm coming down," Allura said, "Someone has to be there to lead these people out."
"But that thing will spot your pod and blast you to peices!" Pidge acclaimed. "Let me worry about that, all of you just focus on keeping the creature distracted." Allura said. I sighed, 'She really is crazy.' We got in our lions and started attacking the thing.
Along the way we found out it had rocket boosters, yes you heard me ROCKET BOOSTERS, and it was very quick. "Okay provoking done, time to evade!" Hunk said as he avoided another beam. While we distracted the monster I saw Allura's pod come down from the castle.
The monster spotted her too and was a bout to shoot, but Hunk protected her, and Lance shot an Ice beam at its head. The Balmera shook again once Allura landed. "The Balmera's weakening every time it gets hit, how's the evacuating process going?" Hunk asked.   
"The Balmerans are trapped, just keep distracting the thing." Coran said."Do you want us to distract it by getting killed, cause that's what's gonna happen!" Hunk exclaimed. "Shiro evading isn't helping right now, we have to attack!" I exclaimed as my lion got hit.
"This isn't working, we'll never take this thing down with our lions." Keith responded, he sound worried. "Well forming Voltron didn't work either." Pidge remarked. "The only way to defeat it is if we had a way to shoot all those laser beams at once." Lance commented.
"Guys... I think my lion's telling me how to beat this thing, do you remember how Voltron formed that sword with Keith's bayard, I think my lion is telling me I can do the same with my bayard." Hunk said unsure.
"Well whatever it is, try it now, NYGH." I said, then I got it again. "Okay, form thingy... it didn't work." Hunk said. I rolled my eyes as Shiro spoke, "Because we haven't formed Voltron yet!" Once Voltron was formed it had a huge gun resting on its shoulder. After charging up it shot out only to hit the monster's beam.
I flew above the area Allura was, as Voltron flew up, to protect them from above. "Are you guys seeing this?" Hunk asked. "Let's see what this thing can do." Shiro said. Hunk formed the gun again and the beam hit the monster's arms, forcing it to kneel down.
The planet had a blue glow around it, but we didn't have time to admire it. The monster got up but Keith quickly rammed his lion into it, causing it to fly across the mine. "Woah.." I spoke. 'That was uh, that was kinda hot.' I thought.

I rushed out of my lion, with the others behind me, to Allura who was currently in Shay's arms. "Did it work?" She mumbled. "Yes, the Balmera lives on, thank you." Rex said with a smile. Then the ground rumbled and we saw the monster get back up. I walked in front of everyone, who were all in shock, and watched as the monster charged up its beam. Fortunately the ground below it glowed and Crystals started to encase it. After a while the monster was stuck in a huge Crystal.
"The Balmera saved us." Coran said in awe. Crystals grew throughout the planet, making beautiful crystal gardens. "Who's a good Balmera, you are," Hunk said while rubbing the ground, "Who beat the big monster, you did, yes you did, yes you did."
"Dude, what are you doing?" Keith and I asked at the same time. "What it's alive, and it wuves my rubs." Hunk said. I smiled and rolled my eyes as Keith facepalmed.

Just as my brother wanted, the Balmerans threw a small party to thank for our help, it wasn't a parade but it wasn't bad either. Everyone was talking with each other, and Hunk was with Shay somewhere.
I sat on one of the hills looking at the horizon, it calmed me a bit. "Hey, you okay?" Lance asked. I looked up, he looked concerned. I looked back at the horizon, "Yeah just tired, I mean I got out of a healing pod, found out that I have a reward in my name, and we fought this monster."
"I'm sorry, you have a what in your name?" Lance asked. I laughed nervously, "Oh yeah, so um heh, the thing is apparently there is a reward for whoever gives me to the galra." "... I'm gonna kill em." Lance said.
I grimace, "I mean that's the point, but please don't do that, there's no need to kill them because I'm not gonna be captured by them." He sat next to me and said, "Damn right you aren't."
I look at him and smile, "You're starting to sound like our Uncle." He looks at me and laughs, "Oh really now?" I nod and he continues, "Well may as well complete my transformation by doing his greeting."
He put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me seriously, "Hola." I laughed and pushed his hand off. "Why are you like this?" I asked. "I don't know, but either way you love me." I smile and hug him, "Of course I do."
Lance got up and helped me up, "Now you deserve to enjoy our time here too!" I held his hand as he led me to the party.

(A/n): WOAH HO HO, TWO IN ONE DAY, I'm surprised myself, as you can see, Lance's brother mode is starting to show up more and more, and (Y/n) is slowly but surely falling for a certain mullet head

1982 words

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