The Black Paladin

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(Y/n)'s POV
   Once the green lion reached the castle hangars, shiro gave orders to search for Zarkon's central command. "What happened, where's Allura?" Coran asked as he ran up to us. "She got captured, she sacrificed herself to save me and the information, I didn't have a choice." Shiro said.
    "Wh- How is that possible!?" Coran exclaimed. "Coran I'm sorry things didn't go as planned, but we can focus on what went wrong, we gotta find a way to make it right, Pidge anything?" Shiro asked. "Guys... look at this." Pidge said.
  She opened up a screen which displayed the large central command ship. "I think we should go in right away, every minute we waste gives Zarkon time to prepare for us." Pidge explained. "I agree, we form voltron, fly in, fly out, dust off our hands and walk away." Lance said.
   "I don't think it's gonna be that easy Lance, we could barely survive at the balmera, and there's probably a thousand fleets there waiting to attack." I said. "Or, we shouldn't go on this mission at all, think about it, we'll be delivering the Universe's only hope to the Universe's biggest enemy." Keith said.
   We all stared at him in shock, I raised a brow at him. "Keith, that's cold even for you, what if it was one of us, what if it was me, you wouldn't leave me behind would you, would you?" Hunk asked, a little wary.
   "I'm not saying I like the idea, I'm just thinking like a paladin." Keith said. "No, you're just thinking of yourself because you're too scare to do what's right!" Lance said. "Okay we're all upset because we lost Allura." Pidge groaned.
  "No Shiro lost Allura!" Coran shouted and glared at Shiro. "Would you guys quit it, arguing isn't gonna get us anywhere, we either focus right now and save Allura, or argue and let Allura die at central command!" I stated sternly.
  They stared at me in shock for a moment then got to work. After a while coran forgave shiro, and they created a plan that would work. "We're gonna jump right onto the enemy unseen and undetected." Shiro said. "But I thought we needed Allura to open the wormhole?" Pidge asked.
   "That's true, but we may have enough of her essence to make one jump, we'll hide in one of those giant gas planets around Zarkon's ship, the gas is so dense that it should cover us from being seen." Coran explained.
   "From there we'll scan the ship for Allura's exact location, then we'll attack before Zarkon knows what hit him." Shiro continued. "There's only one hiccup, we only have enough energy to make one jump there, but without Allura we won't have enough to wormhole our way out of there." Coran stated.
   "It doesn't matter, we're not leaving without her." Shiro said. We all agreed and Coran made the wormhole to the gas planet. "I've detected Allura's energy signature, it's weak but she's somewhere inside Zarkon's main ship," Coran said, "Once we get closer, we'll be able to narrow down her exact location."
   "Ok guys this is it, Voltron and the teal lion are gonna come in fast without warning, we'll smash our way inside Zarkon's ship and free the princess, before they know what hit them, we'll have the princess and be on our way " Shiro said. I looked down, it seemed too easy.

   We flew towards the command central, the others already formed Voltron. As we made our way in a huge purple force field surrounded the place. "What is that?" Hunk asked.
    "I don't know, but I hope once we find the princess we'll be able to find a way out of here." Pidge mumbled. Warships started to fly towards us and started firing. I protected voltron as they flew it towards one warship and punched right into it.
   "Form sword!" Keith said, the blade sliced into the ship. Shiro sliced through the metal and left it to explode. I fought by voltron's side but more ships came in. "Form shoulder cannon." Hunk said. The cannon shot down every ship down.
   I flew next to Voltron and headed towards Zarkon's ship, but then a force stopped us. "What's going on?" Hunk asked. "Something's malfunctioning!" Keith said. "Somebody do something, Voltron's frozen up!" Lance exclaimed. I tried to move but my lion was frozen up too.
  "I can't hold it!" Shiro groaned. "What just happened, something tore us apart!" Hunk said. "I don't know, but we got bigger problems right now, look!" Lance said. A massive fleet of warships were heading towards us. We attacked and attacked but they would just send in more and more.
  Just then, a huge beam shot down on a warship, I looked up and saw the castle flying down. "Coran attack, I've waited 10,000 years for this!" Coran said through the comms. I destroyed a ship and and looked around, shiro wasn't there. I looked where Voltron broke up and saw his lion.
   "Shiro what are you doing, you have to get out!" I said. "Something's overriding the controls,  my lion's not responding, argh!" Shiro exclaimed. "Shiro's in trouble, I'm going in." Keith said. I saw Shiro get ejected from his lion and gasped.
  "Guys what do we do, our plan isn't really working as planned." Hunk said. "I need to get the black lion back, you guys go get the princess." Shiro ordered. "I've identified Allura's exact location sending location now," Coran said, "In the meantime I'll provide you cover, out here, all alone against an entire fleet... so if you would speed up that rescue that would be greatly appreciated."
   "You guys get the princess without me!" Keith said. "What, this is no time to play lone wolf Keith, we have to stick together, what are you doing?!" Lance retorted. "Whatever I can." Keith mumbled. I groaned, 'It's official, he's an idiot.'
  "Whoa, who is that guy?" He asked. I heard coran gasp, "It's Zarkon." "Keith get out of there now, zarkon is too powerful!" Shiro yelled. "This is my chance to put an end to the Galra empire, I have to take it." Keith cried out.
   "B- Keith please don't do it, you don't stand a chance!" I cried out. I tried to fly towards him but the warships stopped me. I started to shoot at them, 'He's literally begging to be killed.'

   Lance, Pidge, Hunk, and I were trying to find a way into the ship. "How do we get in?" Lance asked. "Maybe I could try hacking into one of their cargo bays." Pidge suggested. "We don't have time for that!" Hunk exclaimed.
   "You go a better idea?" Pidge asked. "Actually yes I do!" Hunk said. I watched as Hunk slammed his lion into the ship. "Okay that works too." I said. "Looks like we gotta cover Hunk's ass." Lance said. We continued to shoot at the ships.

  The fleet grew smaller and I took the chance to check on Keith. I saw Zarkon floating above the red lion, a sword formed in Zarkon's hand as he aimed for Keith. I readied my laser but then the Black lion whizzed right past me.
   The black lion fired a beam and grabbed the red lion. "I got you buddy," Shiro said, "Let's go (Y/n)." I flew and followed them to the others. "Alright paladins, time to get out of here." Allura said, but nothing happened. "Hello, what's going on, I don't see a wormhole." Hunk said concerned. "The galra barrier is jamming our ability to create one!" Coran said.
  Ships surrounded us then the barrier turned off. "What just happened?" Pidge cried out. "Who cares, wormhole!" Hunk said. Allura created a wormhole and we all flew into it. As we traveled through , it was bumpier and lightning sparked in and out.
  "Coran what's happening?" Shiro asked. "The integrity of the wormhole has been compromised, it's breaking down!" Coran answered. "What does that mean?" Lance asked. "It means we have no control of where we're heading!" Coran exclaimed.
   The ship jerked and I felt my lion fly out. I screamed in fear as my lion disappeared into a different part of the wormhole. The screens of my lion went red, then I was knocked out.

(A/n): That's a wrap on Season 1! I'll try to upload another chapter tomorrow, but considering I have a party to attend I may not be able to, anyway hope you liked this chapter, oh yeah and the reader will be alone durring the first 2 episodes or so... wink

1,433 words

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