Life Updates

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I'm still alive surprisingly.

I know I haven't updated in years but I have reasons....

So basically, at school I have a very busy schedule.

Every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I have play rehearsal, then On Thursday and Friday, I have Private Lessons and Sectionals for band. I'm also in a bunch of high ed classes, as well as my school's own honor society, as well as meeting with the principal every once and a while.

  On top of that, I have two other books on Quotev that I've been trying keep up with, and a lack of sleep and nutrients.

So... onto the.... incident.

At play rehearsal I was feeling sick. I have a very minor role, I only have 2 line throughout the entire thing, and I had 2 test the next day, which meant I had 2 reviews to finish in one night, as well as homework for other classes.

Throughout our beginning breaks I started to beat myself up for not scheduling when to do things, and I started to get dizzy.

Apparently my friend noticed me acting strange so she pulled me aside, asking if I was ok. I said yeah and continued on. I didn't really do anything but cover my ears, trying to stop all the thoughts running through my head.

As we were doing our warm-ups, the thought just got louder and louder, and then I snapped. Hot tears started to roll down my face as the stress got to me. My friends tried to calm me, but it wasn't enough, so they sent me home.

For the rest of the time I have been trying to relax, but there's barely any time to relax at all.

I always start to feel guilty cause I've been trying so hard to relax, but I have these stories to update, and I just can't find the time.

I hope that in the future, I'll get more time to finish up the next few chapters of my stories...


My friends told me,"You're not famous at a certain follower count, you're famous if you can find a wattpad fan fiction about you."

I don't think I have feared something so much-

Well, hopefully I'll se you readers in the next chapter UwU

☆Lance's twin sister☆ {Keith X Reader} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now