Chapter 2: Some Assembly Required {Part 2}

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(Y/N)'s POV
We all stood in a circle with our backs to each other. "Alright you six, the paladin code demands that you put your teammates' safety above your own, a swarm of drones are about to come out, it is up to you guys to fight and protect your team members." Coran said over the intercom. Our shields activated and the drones flew down. Hunk ducked one blaster but it hit Pidge and she fell down a hole. Hunk then got startled and fell down as well. We backed up further and tried harder to block the shots. "Protect your teammates or there'll be no one to protect you." Coran said. "You keeping up Keith?" Lance teased. "Just concentrate on keeping us safe." Keith responded. "Me, I own this room, you're the one who needs to concentrate!" Lance said. One drone shot at lance, but he ducked. The lazer hit Keith and he fell then lance fell as well. I covered Shiro and got shot, then I fell down as well.
Time skip
Coran had another training sequence that had to deal with a maze. "To form Voltron you must have trust in each other, this ancient paladin maze will teach you that, your teammates can see the walls but you cannot, so listen carefully to them if you touch the walls, you'll get quite the shock." Coran said. Lance and Keith went first, Lance went in the maze. "Take two steps forwards." Keith said. "OH for the love of- why does Keith have the mic, why couldn't it be (Y/n)?" Lance asked. I giggled and Coran said, "Don't worry everyone will get a chance with the mic." "Like I said take two steps forward, make a right and head three steps in that direction." Keith said. The whole time they were arguing with each other. I sighed and rubbed my temples. 'It's gonna be one of those days.' I thought.
Time skip
We were in our lions flying outside. "You'll never be able to form Voltron unless all of you have a strong bond with your lion, everyone put your lions into a nosedive," Coran said, "This is an expert drill that you really shouldn't be attempting unless you've been flying for years, but we're in a bit of a rush. I jumped a bit when my vision went dark. "AH, what's happening I can't see!" Lance yelled. "You must learn to see through your lions' eyes, your goal is to pull up before you crash, feel what your lion feels." Coran said. "Mine feels scared!" Hunk said. "You still going Keith?" Lance asked. "Yeah you?" Keith responded. "Going? I'm speeding up!" Lance said. "Lance-" I said then i heard them crash. "Wait they crashed?!" Pidge asked. 'Cmon boy, help me out here.' I thought. I gasped as I saw the ground, and pulled up just in time. 'Thanks Teal.' I thought. "Good job Shiro and (Y/n)!" Coran said. "Nice work (Y/n)." Shiro said. "Not so bad yourself Shiro." I said.
Time skip
Everyone was sitting in the training room with devices on their head. I was with Coran in the upper level room. "Now the most important thing in paladin training is to be able to clear your mind and focus on one thing, Voltron, so relax and open your minds, no walls or secrets between paladins." Coran said. Everyone's picture, except for Pidge's turned into their lion. "Pidge stop thinking about your girlfriend!" Keith said. They tried again but Pidge thought of the picture again. She threw her headset on the ground and said, "I'm done with this I don't like the fact that everyone can look inside my head, I'm I'm just tired." "Ok how 'bout we take a break." Shiro suggested. I went down with them and sat next to Lance. Coran walked back in with these packets that looked like Caprisuns. I was leaning on Lance and mumbled, "Looks like I must drink my sorrows away." I took a sip and lance slapped my arm playfully. "What?" I said and he rolled his eyes and smiled. "You and your weird jokes." He said. "Says the one who yelled yeet after throwing a paper airplane." I replied. Allura walked in with a angry look and said, "What are you doing lying around, you're supposed to be training." "They've working hard since the last time you saw them, you can't push them too hard." Coran said. "What do you mean push them too hard, get up you lazy lumps, it's time you face the gladiator." She said.
Time skip
"In order to defeat the gladiator six paladins must work together as one. The same gladiator from last night fell and we all attacked. Hunk tried to hit it but instead it shocked him. Pidge went up next and ended up being swept off her feet. Lance shot at it but he too was knocked over. Shiro froze and keith went to check up on him but they both got knocked over. I shot at the head and it faced me. I ducked under the rod and kicked its legs. When it fell I shot at its chest ending the sequence. "That level was fit for an Altean child and (Y/n) was the only one who could beat it." Allura said annoyed. "In my defence I stayed up all night training." I said. She glared at me and I looked down embarrassed. "You're not even close to working as a team let alone face Zarkon." She said.
Time Skip
"Well that all aside, I've made brain food for you all!" Coran said. I sat in between Shiro and Hunk and stared at the green goo. "Smells good Coran." Shiro said. I was about to reach for my spork then was hand cuffed to Shiro and Hunk. "Hold the phone." Lance said. "I've seen a lot of individual work today, you still need to work as a team so welcome to the final bonding exercise of the day." Coran said. "Coran think about what you're doing." Hunk said. "This is classic you're going to have to feed each other like a pack of yalmors." Coran said. After a while everyone was complaining except for Shiro surprisingly. "Do you earthlings ever stop complaining?" Allura asked. "Can't you give us a break, we've been working hard all day." I said. "Yeah, we're not some prisoners that you can toy around with like some..." Keith said trying to think of something. "Like a bunch of toy prisoners!" Lance said. "YES, thank you Lance." Keith said. "You do not yell at the princess." Coran said. "Oh the princess of what, we're the only ones out here and she's no princess of ours!" Pidge said. I gasped when goo hit her face. "Go lose pidge!" Keith said as they launched goo. Coran blocked the goo and hit us back. "Oh it's so on!" Hunk said. He spit out goo thus continuing the goo war. After the war we looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Enough!" Allura yelled. We looked at her and saw her smiling. "You're finally working together as a team!" She said. "Hey she's right." Keith said. "I actually don't hate you right now." Lance said. "You guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Hunk asked. "Let's go form Voltron." Shiro said. "Actually it was dessert but yeah let's form Voltron!" Hunk said. Hunk raised his hand which made us fall back.
Time skip
"Man that was cool, I'm so charged up I don't know if I'm gonna be able to sleep tonight!" Lance said. I was sitting between him and Hunk. "Not me, when my head hits the pillow I'm gonna be lights out." Keith said. "I just want you to know, that I realized when we were in Voltron, we're brothers man!" Hunk said pulling me, Keith and Lance in a tight hug. I cleared my throat and Hunk said, "And sister." I smiled and saw Keith smiling too. "G-forces mess with your head a little bit?" Keith asked. "Yeah maybe a little bit, It's been a tough few days." Hunk said. I laughed a bit as we got up. I felt chills go up my spine and stopped in my tracks. Keith noticed and put a hand on my shoulder. "You okay (Y/n)?" He asked. I nodded and said, "Yeah I'm okay Keef." "That's not going away is it?" He asked. I shook my head and laughed. "Well goodnight (N/n)." Keith said. "Goodnight Keef." I said blushing a bit. I walked to my room and jumped. "Lance jesus christ don't do that." I said. "I told you we were talking later." He said with his arms crossed. "It's simple I couldn't sleep, so I trained." I said as I started changing into my pajamas. "(Y/n) you and I both know that it's unhealthy for you to stay up, and this is the fifth time it's happened this year!" He said. He grabbed my shoulder and I stared at him with a few tears. "Why do you care so much?" I asked. "Because I'm your damn Brother, and I'd die for you!" He said with tears. Did you just Sam Winchester me?" I asked. "That's not the point, I just worry about you a lot." He said. I wiped some of his tears and said, "You don't need to worry about me I'm fine, now you can go back to your room." He furrowed his eyebrows in thought and said, "Hmm how about, no." He picked me up and dropped me on the bed. I laughed as he tickled my sides, "Lance fucking Mclain, stop it!" "Noooooo." He whined. I pinched his arm and he yelped. "Ow ow ow, okay fine." He layed down next to me and I cuddled up next to him. "I'm surprised you don't have your face mask on." I said. "Oh shut it." He said. I giggled and yawned out, "Goodnight Lancey." "Goodnight (N/n)."
Keith's POV
I blushed as I thought of (Y/n). 'Why does she give me this weird feeling?' I thought. I layed in my bed as I tried to get the feeling down. 'Envy, no, Embarrassment, no, then what.' I thought. I sat up in realization and mumbled, "Oh my god, I'm in love with her." I layed back down and put my hands through my hair, "I'm in love with Lance's twin sister... oh quiznak."
[1755 words]
Keith admits his feelings... wowie

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