Paladin Vlogs: (Y/n)

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The camera turns on

  "Uh, Hi... I'm (Y/n), Paladin of the Teal lion, my brother suggested that I'd go first for these Vlogs so here we are now."

She messes with her armor

  "I don't really know what to talk about... well this trip in space has been interesting. I learned new things and met new people, some worse than other."


  "So what's your name?" I looked at him and said, "Why should I tell you, no one else has?" "Well the princess introduced herself, it's only fair if the other princess introduced herself." He said with a wink.
I blushed and said, "Oh I'm no princess, but my name is (Y/n)" "Beautiful name for a beautiful woman." Rolo said. "Thanks for the compliment Rolo." I said while smiling.

    I laughed as Rupel fell to the ground by Nagi's snowball. "(Y/n) stop laughing!" Rupel cried out. "Why?" I asked. "Because I said so!" He said, then he threw a snowball at me. I threw one back at him then Nagi spoke, "Uh guys, I think they've arrived."
    Rupel and I looked up and I smiled. "Yup, they sure have." I said. There they were, the lions, well except for the black lion. They all landed and I looked at the two, "Well it's been a good few hours, sure I haven't been here long, but I had fun."
   Nagi squealed and hugged me, "Your welcome to come back anytime." Rupel came over and joined the hug, "Yeah, maybe you could teach Kirk another lesson, instead of your lion scaring him." I laughed at his comment.
○Memory End○

  "I also got closer to others. When I was back on earth I never really had much friends, but up here in space, I have a new family!"


  "Go lose pidge!" Keith said as they launched goo. Coran blocked the goo and hit us back. "Oh it's so on!" Hunk said. He spit out goo thus continuing the goo war. After the war we looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Enough!" Allura yelled. We looked at her and saw her smiling. "You're finally working together as a team!" She said. "Hey she's right." Keith said. "I actually don't hate you right now." Lance said. "You guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Hunk asked. "Let's go form Voltron." Shiro said. "Actually it was dessert but yeah let's form Voltron!" Hunk said. Hunk raised his hand which made us fall back.

   I put the camera down on the table and went back to my spot. We all got in position and smiled. The mice took the picture, then we took another one with funny faces. Then the mice took a picture of all of us laughing.
  I thanked the mice and let the pictures develop. I gave 2 of them to the others, pidge kept the one of us with funny faces and Allura kept the one with us smiling.

○Memory end○

  "I also started new relationships, I'm glad about those."


   "So what does this make us now?" I asked. He thought about it for a second, "I guess boyfriend and girlfriend, is that what you want to be." I smiled, "Yeah, that would be nice." He walked over to the door and it slid open, "Well then it's official, Goodnight (N/n)."
I went over and kissed his cheek, "Goodnight Keith." He smiled and walked out, the door closing behind him.

○Memory end○

"Being out here in Space made me realize how cruel and scary life actually is. One minute we were normal teenagers enjoying our life, next minute we were given armor and weapons with a mission to save the universe."


  It looked at Keith and I panicked.
  "No look over here!" I shouted. I waved my arms as it stared at me. It appeared behind me and grabbed me by the neck. It gripped harder and slammed me into the ground. "(Y/n)!" Keith shouted out. The figure stepped on me and shot a blast of lightning at Keith, which ended up in Keith getting knocked onto the conveyor belt.
  While it was distracted I held down my trigger and watched as the neon stretched around its waist. I threw them with all my might off of me. I watched as the skidded then they got up, and started to charge a blast meant for both, Keith and I.
   I heard footsteps around the corner. I quickly put my shooter up as everyone came into view. I shot at the intruder but they dodged every shot.
   When they got to me, they grabbed my wrist and punched my side. I grunted as they kicked me to the wall next to the Pidge. 'Why do I always get beat to the ground?' I thought. "She shoots, and she misses!" Coran said.

○Memory End○

  "I also, recently, haven't been doing so good. After what happened at the Space mall, I just can't keep it together."

She looks in one direction, deep in thought.

  "I keep seeing weird things, first I saw the whole battle thing, then Allura calling out to me, then I saw Keith and Lance trying to get to me... I.... I feel confused and... scared."

She stays silent then shakes her head a bit.

  "I think I'm going crazy, I think Frayi did something to me. I mean she gave me a rock, A ROCK! Who gives a rock as a luck charm!"

   She sighs and crosses her arms.

  "I knew I should have ran, but i just couldn't. Something inside of me told me to stay... it... it felt like this lady was telling me that it was alright..."

(Y/n) shakes her head slightly

  "On the other hand, to sum it up, if you're planning to go to space, either a, Stay home, or B, prepare to gain a lot of emotions."

(Y/n) is silent...

"Give in to us dear Teal paladin."


"Fine, have it your way then..."

Screams fill the air

"Wake up..."

(Y/n) blinks and looks at the camera.

  "I have to go."

The camera turns off.

(A/n): oof, this is officially the intro into the new plot. I was legit writing this throughout my school day so that's why it seems rushed.

1,053 words


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