Return of the Gladiator {Part 1}

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(Y/n)'s POV
I walked into the dining area with Hunk, Shiro, Keith, and Lance. "Great job during training guys, I think we're really starting to get a hand of this Voltron thing. "Yeah, did you see that kick I did on that enemy ship, Ha, sent it flying back to the cosmos. "Yeah, that'll come in handy when the galra challenges us to a soccer match." Keith said. Lance frowned and glared at Keith. "Hey I did something cool, no need to be jealous." Lance defended himself. "Your kick knocked off our balance." Keith fired back. "Hey that falling part was Hunk's fault." Lance said. I groaned and got in between them. "Girls, Girls, we get it your both petty, can we move on?" I said. They both looked the other way and pouted. Hunk snorted and Shiro smiled a bit. Coran walked in with this weird dish in his hands. "How was the voltron work out guys?" Coran asked. "We're getting there, have you and Allura fixed the castle yet, I feel like sitting ducks on Arus." Shiro said. "Just about, in the meantime while you're worried about those ducks seats, I've prepared an ancient authentic paladin lunch!" Coran said. Coran revealed the dish and we all grimaced. 'I don't know what the hell that is, but one word... disgusting.' "Coran you just got me hooked on that goo and now you're switching things up?" Hunk asked. "It's packed with nutrients!" Coran said scooping up a bit. "Ugh, and it smells disgusting." Hunk said. "I know that's how you know it's healthy!" Coran said. I sat down in between Lance and Keith trying to avoid the stench of the dish. "Coran, we're on a planet full of fresh herbs and spices, and whatever this thing is, a tuber," Hunk exclaimed while holding up a weird yellow striped tubes, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back into the kitchen to spice things up." While Hunk went to cook, Shiro looked around. "Where's Pidge?" Shiro asked. "He's probably checking on those prisoners we rescued from Zarkon, they should be waking up from the healing pods any time now." Coran answered. Shiro stood up to go get Pidge then Coran shoved the spork of food in front of him. "Open the hatch, food line coming in!" Coran said then made airplane noises. "No just... no." Shiro said while walking out. Coran looked over to me and my eyes widened. "No, there's no way I'm eating that." I said and Coran pouted. Hunk walked out with food and set them down on the table. I took one bite and smiled. "Hunk this is so good, I can't believe you made all this with alien ingredients, your a food genius!" I said and continued eating along with Keith and Lance. "Awe don't mention it." Hunk said smiling. Allura walked in and smirked, "They liked the Paladin lunch?" "I don't want to talk about it." Coran said. "I've gotten the final nebulon booster working, we should be able to leave this planet tomorrow and take the fight to Zarkon." Allura said. An Alarm went off and a huge screen popped up. An alien with curled horns popped it's head from a rock and dashed towards the castle. "What is that?" Keith asked. "I'm not really sure, it may be a local arusian, he's approaching the castle." Allura said. "Doesn't look too dangerous." Lance said. "We don't know for sure." Keith said while summoning his bayard. "No, alteans believe in peace first, let's go welcome it." Allura says while walking out. Hunk and Lance followed he talking about knitting a sweater. I looked at Keith and smiled. "Cmon Keef, it's no big deal." I said. I walked towards everyone else and Keith followed.
Time Skip
"Greetings I know you are there, you can come out, you don't have to be afraid." Allura said. The creature poked its head out then it jumped out pointing its weapon at us. "HEY, drop your weapon!" Keith said stepping in front of me. "Nobody takes Klyziap's weapon." The little guy growled. "Keith calm down, and put the bayard down." I said calmly while slightly pulling him back. I kneeled in front of the creature and smiled. "Sorry about him, but it's alright." I said, "We really mean no harm at all." Klyziap gaze softened and he lowered his weapon. "I am Klyziap, bravest of our warriors, our village is just across those hills, I have come for answers as to why the lion goddess is angry with her followers." Klyziap said. "Followers?" Coran asked. "Lion Goddess?" Hunk also asked. "The one the ancients spoke of." He said while pointing to a rock. 'Wait where did that rock come from?' I thought to myself. "What makes you think she is angered?" I asked. "Destruction is everywhere, in the past few suns, fire has rained from the heavens and a giant has risen from the sky." Klyziap said. "Psst I think he's talking about Voltron." "You have not angered the lion goddess that's for certain." I said. "How could you be so certain?" Klyziap asked. "Because this is (Y/n), and she is the goddess." Allura said 'wAIT WHAT?' I thought. Klyziap kneeled down and said, "Ah Lion Goddess!" 'Oh god, why me?'
[Words 894]

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