Shiro's Escape

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(Y/n)'s POV
  Everyone filled me in on what happened. Pidge was stuck in the trash area with these cute aliens, Lance and Hunk were hypnotized by mermaids and Lance saved Hunk, and Keith and Shiro were stuck on a planet, Shiro go hurt badly.
   I felt immense concern for Shiro, it's not every day you get attacked by a weird alien monster and a sociopathic witch. We were all standing in the pod room, waiting for Shiro to heal. I'm pretty sure we all felt the same amount of concern for our leader.
  Shiro's face scrunched up, as if he were trapped in an endless nightmare. "Uh Coran, is there something wrong with the heal pod, cause I don't remember anyone acting like this when they're healing." I asked concerned. "Sometimes the healing pod can cause involuntary brain wave reactions." Allura replied.
   "It looks like he's having a bad dream." Hunk muttered. "He just got attacked by a space witch, and mauled by a pack of space lizards, what dream could be worse than that?" Keith mumbled back. After a few minutes Shiro slowly opened his eyes. We all gathered around his pod, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
    Shiro informed us that durring his healing time, he had a flashback of the time her escaped the galra. Apparently a galra saved him and gave him coordinates to this base or something. Currently Shiro's arm was connected to pidge's laptop as she was searching for the coordinates.
  "I'm not finding any of these coordinates, are you sure that wasn't a dream?" Pidge asked. "I'm positive, someone helped me escape." Shiro said. "And he was galra," allura said, her voice laced with venom, [oh my god he was galra] , "You know you cannot trust them."
   "Your father must have trusted them once, Zarkon was the original black paladin wasn't he?" Shiro asked. We all looked at Allura. She pursed her lips and averted her eyes. 'Zarkon was the original black paladin?' I thought.
   "I guess that would explain how Zarkon could steal the black lion right under Shiro, and how he could do all those cool things with his bayard, Shiro's bayard, you know the black one." Keith muttered.
  "Why didn't you tell us this?" Shiro asked. "I wanted to protect you from the dark history of the paladins, so that you could have a chance to bond with the lion on your own, you are the black paladin not Zarkon." Allura murmured.
  "Well the black lion may have a different take on that." Shiro mumbled under his breath. "Wait a second, I think I see it now." Pidge said. We all turned to Pidge. "There are some repeated numbers on these galra code, let me extract them." Pidge mumbled.
   She opened up a bigger screen and a map popped up. "They're coordinates!" She said. "Then that's where we're heading." Shiro answered immediately. "Shiro, are you sure you can trust this, I mean after everything that the galra have done to you, they took your arm." Keith muttered genuinely concerned.
   "It's worth the risk, someone helped me escape, if we can find allies in our fight against Zarkon, especially ones on his side, we might just find a way to take him down." Shiro stated firmly. "We'll check it out but I do not like this, the galra should not be trusted." Allura said.
  Coran put in the coordinates and made a wormhole jump there. Soon we were in an empty area, surrounded by large crystals. "What are those crystals?" I asked.
  "Those are Xanthirum chunks and I suggest not going any closer to take a look, they hold highly unstable nitrate salts, one touch and it could send the ship straight to Wozblay." Coran said.
  "Are you sure this is the right place?" Shiro asked. "These are the coordinates number six gave me." Coran said. "Hey my decryption is solid." Pidge shouted from her seat. "Well we've checked the place and found nothing, I suggest we get out of here now." Allura stated.
  "No, there must be more to this, I think we should wait." Shiro requested. We all complied and waited for a few minutes. Suddenly the alarm blared. "There's an intruder in the castle!" Coran exclaimed.
   "How could someone just sneak on board the ship?!" Lance exclaimed. "I knew coming here was a mistake," Allura grumbled as she showcased the cameras, "He's on the fifth level." "Everyone suit up." Shiro instructed.

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