Return of the Gladiator {Part 2}

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(Y/n)'s POV
We landed near a small village over the hills. 'It's very peaceful.' I thought. We were greeted by friendly faces and warm hugs. "Oh lion goddess, please accept our forgiveness as we preform our traditional dance of apology, as an atonement for our wrongdoings." The chief of the village said. Immediately after he said that a cute arussian walked in front of us and started to dance. "Um, this really isn't necessary." I said. "HALT!" The chief said and the dancer froze. "The lion goddess has refused the apology, start the sacrificial fire, WE MUST THROW OURSELVES IN!" My eyes widened as they had an arussian dangling. "NO, NO SACRIFICE, THERE'S NO NEED TO DO THAT!" I cried out. "Then shall we continue the dance?" He asked. "Yeah, that seems like a better option to me." I said. After the dance Allura assured them that they didn't do anything wrong. The aurrsians started to hug all of us. Several kids tackled me in a hug and I laughed. I looked at Keith and saw him also being hugged. "Uh I'm not a hug type of person but man, you are cuddly." He said. "Thank You." The alien said in a deep voice. I laughed then heard shiro speak. "Team, team come in, we need back up NOW!" I quickly got up as the children let go of me. "What's going on?" Keith asked. A loud rumbling noise started as the ground shook a bit. I looked up and saw a meteor like object heading towards us. "We need to get back to our lions!" I said. We started running towards our lions, well Keith dragging Hunk along, as Allura and Coran escorted the village to a safer place. Once we got there we saw the black and green lion fighting some giant alien thing. "Lay down covering fire so they can get out of there!" Keith said. We nodded and followed his orders. Once they got out I asked, "You guys alright?" "Still alive." Shiro responded. "Are the galra behind this?" "Most likely, but I've never seen anything like that before." Shiro responded to Hunk. "So what's the plan, shoot it with everything we got, take down its weapons, call it names?" Lance asked. I snorted at the last suggestion. "If we want to take this monster down there's only one way to do it." They aligned their lions and formed Voltron. I flew next to them and stood by ready to attack. "Remember we are one fighting unit." Shiro said. I flew around to the other side of the monster as Voltron tried to attack it. It made a plasma ball of energy and shot it towards Voltron. They dodged and tried to punch again but they were struck by the same plasma ball. "I thought Voltron was the most powerful weapon in the universe!" Keith said. The monster charged up and quickly flew towards it. "Guys look out!" I yelled. I pushed Voltron out of the way and got struck. I cried out in pain but quickly got back in shape. "(Y/n)!" Lance and Keith yelled. "I'm fine, just focus on defeating this thing!" Right as I said that they were struck, nearly falling on the village. "We gotta keep the village safe!" Pidge said. "On it!" I flew near the village and stopped in a defensive stance. "I know, I'm gonna kick that orb thing!" Lance said. "No, the last time you did that we fell!" Keith said. "Oh stop living in the past!" Lance said. He moved Voltron but was cut off by another orb. "What now?" I asked as I distracted the monster. "Shiro, Shiro you there?" Keith asked. "That sound.... I recognize it from my time at Zarkon's prison!" Shiro said. An orb hit me and I flew back slightly.  "Listen up, there's a sound when the orb returns to the base of the weapon, and every 3rd time that orb needs to charge up, that's the monster's weakest point, and that's when we strike." Shiro said. "OK so what do we do now?" Hunk asked. "Defense!" Shiro said. Voltron formed a shield and blocked most of the orbs. Keith fired his cannon but it didn't work. "It didn't work!" Pidge said. "We can't take another hit!" Keith said. I took another hit for them and got a scold from Lance. "When I battled with it I had a sword." Shiro said. "And how exactly are we going to get a sword in the middle of a fight?" Lance asked. "Wait a second guys, I think my lion is telling me something." Keith said. "Well whatever it is do it fast!" Lance responded. A sword formed in voltron's hand and it sliced the monster in half. Everyone cheered in victory. "Keef that was so awesome, how'd you do that!" I said. Keith chuckled and said, "I don't know, thanks red.
Time skip
I walked to the hologram room only to find Allura there. "Oh, hi princess I'll leave if you want me to." I said slowly back off. "No, no it's fine, stay." She responded. I walked up and sat with her her looking at all the stars, constellations, and planets. "Hey princess?" I asked. She looked over to me as I continued, "Do you ever wonder what it would it would be like if you weren't there, I mean not you know dead, but just not present." "No not really... why?" She asked, a little concerned. "I don't know, I just.... what if I stayed on earth, what if I never came along with them, I think they'd have at least a little weight off their shoulders." I said. "What, why would you think that?" Allura asked. "I don't know I just... I feel like I cause more of a distraction rather than helping, you've seen them they can do the same thing without me!" I said. Allura kneeled in front of me and said, "Look at me, you are not a nuisance, we need you plus it's nice having a girl around, also I think two certain people would be sad without you." I smiled, "Thanks Allura, I really need that, you know you remind me of my sister Veronica, she used to visit Lance and I at night and comfort us." Allura smiled and got up offering me a hand, "Let's get to bed." I took her hand as we walked together. "Goodnight princess." "Please, just call me Allura." "Okay, goodnight Allura." "Goodnight, Lion Goddess." I smiled and walked off to my room.

Shiro's POV
After my talk with Pidge I walked to my room then heard Keith mumbling in his room. I knocked on his door and heard stumbling then the door opened. "Oh hey shiro." Keith said letting me in. "Are you okay Keith?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" "Well I heard you mumbling and I just wanted to know if you were okay." He was silent for a bit but then spoke, "Actually I uh have something I need to get off my shoulders." "Well you can tell me, don't worry I won't tell anyone." I said. He took a deep breath in and said, "I'minlovewith(Y/n)." "Pardon?" "I said, I'm in love with (Y/n)." He repeated. 'Called it' I thought as I smiled. "That's cool." I said. "I don't know what to do, I mean what if Lance finds out, he'll kill me on the spot!" He said pacing. "Well you could wait a while and then tell her." I said. "Says the guy who asked their boyfriend out at McDonald's." He said. "Hey in my defense Adam thought it was cute." I said. [Adam...]  "Well I guess I'll wait, thanks shiro, I really need to get that off my shoulders." "No problem, Goodnight Keith." I said walking out. "Night Shiro." he said.

3rd person POV
The mice watched Shiro leave and squeaked to each other. So much for Keith's feelings being a secret.

Wooooo I'm back baby! Okay but yes I'm including Adam in this because he deserved better. Also I just realized that voltron is ending soon... aNYWAY HOPEFULLY YOU LIKE THIS, okay I'm gonna sleep now.

1341 words

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