The Truth Hurts...

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(Y/n)'s POV

  I stared up at the mystery aliens, what the fuck are they planning. The girl glared at us then rose her hand slowly, "Well, I think it's time we end these idiots, huh Solva?" Solva grinned and his hand raised up slowly too, "Yeah, let's end this quickly, Kiah!" They both snapped their fingers and everyone disappeared around me.

  "Guys?!" I exclaimed I kept my blaster up and looked around, it was just an empty room. "Guys can you hear me?" I spoke through the intercoms, it was still static. I groaned and lightly slapped at my head, this is just an illusion. I was punched in the face, and shoved off of my feet. I tried to look for the attacker, but no one was there.

  "We know your weak points, you're too dependent, you need the others to help you!" The voice of Solva echoed through the room. "No, I'm not!" I shouted. I tried to look for the source of the voice but got punched in the face once again. "Face it, you're too weak to handle things on your own!" Kiah shouted.

  I growled and got back up, only to be punched again. I heard laughter from the two and looked around. "Look at you, so vulnerable, you have no clue what you just got yourself into teal paladin." Kiah spoke with venom in her voice. I huffed and tried to focus on my surroundings. I felt a pain in my heart as I remembered what the two looked like.

   I felt, guilt for some reason. I shook my head and kept my guard up, but the feeling kept on coming back. "Face it, you're too immature to be the teal guardian, the team doesn't need you, surrender!" Solva shouted. I shook my head, but when I opened my eyes, I was in the galra cell again. "Listen, the only way you got out of here was because of him." Kiah said.

  I saw Lotor laying down next to me. I stood up and shouted, "How do you know this, where are you getting this from?" Kiah appeared and smiled, "I can go through your memories, and by the looks of it you've bad a pretty hard year." She flicked my nose and disappeared laughing. I growled as the fake Lotor squirmed next to me.

"Not only are you dependent on everyone, you always hide your feelings, don't you, even from your own team!" Kiah taunted. I looked down at my feet as the surroundings around us changed again. I looked up and saw Kiah and Solva standing in front of my team, they were searching for someone, for me.

  "They've done so much for you, and what have you done for them, nothing." Solva said with a small grin. Kiah focused immensely, then I felt a pain in my body. The guilty feeling came back, but worse, the thing was, it felt like it was coming from someone else. I closed my eye and saw Solva holding me down as Kiah kicks me in the chest.

  I opened my eyes and turned around, quickly punching Solva, and kicking Kiah away from me. "What, how?" Solva muttered. Kiah's expression grew grim and she stumbled a bit getting up, but she stood anyways. "Whatever, we can still beat you." Solva growled and the two disappeared again.

  The feeling took over my body, I saw different moments run through my head. I saw two kids, they were walking in a crowd, the little girl ran off, and the older boy ran after her. A pain took over my head, I groaned, then the pain stopped. "Our lives changed when Voltron didn't come to save us!" Solva exclaimed.

Punch from the right

  I blocked it. Solva growled once more and disappeared again. "Voltron is dubbed as defenders of the universe, then why didn't they defend our home, everyone was gone." Kiah said. My sure changed once more, it was just the room, no castle, no galra prison, just... an empty room.

Behind you

I turned around quickly and saw the two staring at me. Kiah was silent, focusing on finding a way to overpower me. Solva just glared at me, his arms crossed. "The worst one of all, the teal paladin, she completely abandoned her planet, she never actually cared for it, so, how are you anybetter?" Solva said, venom in his voice.

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