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the seven of them — austin, nick, brandon, edwin, zion, kym, and tiffany — all sat on the couch silently waiting for someone to answer nick's previous question.

"this is my girlfriend, tiffany." edwin speaks up. kym scoffs quietly.

"he really fucking chose a mariah carey wannabe ass barbie plastic lookin' ass girl over you. he's not mentally stable." nick mumbled, only kym and zion hearing.

the two burst out in laughter, uncontrollably. "oh, my god."

"okay if y'all gonna be disrespectful like that, leave." edwin rolls his eyes.

the three calm down and look at each other shrugging, getting up and saying how they're going out to get food.

"yo, wait up!" austin and brandon call out, chasing after the three.

"so i take it they don't like me?" tiffany pouts obnoxiously at the boy, him shaking his head. "i'm sorry, baby."

an hour later, as the newly announced couple both to the boys and on social media cuddled in edwin's bed, the other five stay downstairs watching vine compilations. they were laughing until their stomachs hurt.

"there's only one thing worse than a rapist." zion says seriously.

"a child." the rest reply in unison, bursting into laughter as kym stops filming her snapchat.

"hey, can y'all shut up down there? we're trying to watch a movie." edwin calls down from the top of the stairs.

"sorry! hope mariah carey doesn't start singin' christmas songs in yo ear as you sleep." nick whispers the last part, causing the others to start wheezing again.

"nicholas, how the fuck are you so funny today?" kym asks, wiping a tear away.

"are you implying that i'm not funny everyday?" he pretends to be hurt.

"yes." they all say together, laughing.

for the first time in weeks, kym was genuinely happy.

word count: 293 words
published: feb. 19, 2018
short chapter today, sorry y'all ):

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