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"5..4..3..2..1.." everyone in the room counted down.

the large clock struck 9 and everyone cheered, happy as aurora was officially out.

"thank you so much everyone for coming! and thank you especially to my lovely fans," kym gestured to them.

"for being with me to celebrate, especially since without them i would never be anywhere near here. also thank you to my lovely best friends and boyfriend for all the support they've been giving me ever since we met. and lastly thank you to my team for making this happen! especially claire, my manager, who did everything in her power to get me the best producer to execute this. i love you all!" she finished, putting the mic on its stand and walking off the stage.

she went straight to the fans, who started getting excited as they saw her approaching them.

"kym! i love you so much! your music has been there for me when no one else was and i wouldn't be here anymore if it wasn't for your music." a petite girl hugged her tight.

kym returned the hug graciously.

"i love you all so much, okay? never forget it." she reminded the girls after finishing all the pictures and small conversations.

she walked away, seeing people starting to shuffle out.

zion looked up from his phone and smiled wide as kym made her way over to him.

he engulfed her small frame into a bear hug, lightly rocking back and forth.

"i know i say this a lot, but i'm so proud of you." he mumbled into her ear.

"thank you, i love you." she smiled, bringing his head down slightly and pressing a firm kiss to his lips.

they pulled away and furrowed their eyebrows as they saw the rest of the crew staring at them.

"um, yes?" kym asked.

nick raised his eyebrows, knowing the familiar tone she'd use when she was about to sass someone to shreds.

he shook his head vigorously, "nothing."

kym nodded, "right."

her eyes suddenly lit up as she got an idea and she grabbed zion's hand, gesturing for the rest of the group to follow.

they followed her up the small staircase, jaws dropping as they stepped onto the small balcony and saw the sky full of stars.

"photoshoot?" brandon questioned at the same time as kym. they smirked at each other, kym and zion going up first.

they posed a few times, then kym took back her phone to review the pictures, smiling at how cute they turned out.

"thank you, michael." she hugged him.

brandon and charlotte walked up next, and being the photogenic couple they were, it was easy for them to get good pictures.

tiffany and edwin took a few, then tiffany kicked edwin out and took some of herself.

austin and nick took a few together, most of them being pictures of them looking sad because their girls were across the country.

tiffany continued posing as edwin took pictures of her, and the group left them and went back downstairs.

"i'm hungry. the snack table got devoured by me but that shit didn't fill me up at all." nick rubbed his stomach, pouting.

"ooh, bitch. i want some in n out right now." kym groaned.

"i'm so down." austin nodded.

"y'all, i'm on a diet." zion laughed.

"now i know you're tired of having chicken wraps everyday. cheat day?" kym jutted out her bottom lip.

"c'mon, z." brandon nudged him.

"i'm going even if you don't want." charlotte laughed lightly.

"fine, let's go." zion gave in.

the six climbed into kym's car, zion putting up the seats all the way in the back so everyone fit.

they drove off, zion blasting beg by jack and jack. kym's eyes widened, lowering the volume.

"y'all. we fuckin' left edwin and tiffany."

word count: 640 words
published: mar. 19, 2018
idk bout yall but i'd do it on

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