twenty nine¿

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"dude, that goes over there." zion huffed, shaking his head at nick's forgetfulness. three hours of planning and the italian kid still couldn't remember where a vase went.

"my bad, bro." nick replied, moving the vase full of multicolored roses to its correct spot.

"edwin, brandon, how's the food lookin'?" zion called from the living room.

"on track, bro." brandon called back.

zion nodded, although the boys couldn't see him.

"aust- wait he's not here nevermind." zion mumbled to himself.

the somewhat stressed boy pulled out his phone, calling austin.

"yo bro, have you gotten everything yet?" he spoke into the phone.

"almost, but dude, there's this cool ass video game store and i saw a game based off a-" zion cut austin off.

"porter, as much as i love you, please shut up and finish buying everything."

"right, okay i'll text when i'm on my way home." austin replied, hanging up.

"hey charlotte, how's the playlist and shit going?" zion asked as she walked into the room with his macbook in hand.

"good, i'm almost done." she smiled.

"thank you so much, especially for the idea. i hope kym realizes how much i love her from this." he trailed off at the end.

"trust me, you could be breathing and she'd know how much you love her." charlotte laughed, getting into a comfortable position on the couch.

zion's cheeks reddened as he tried to stop the smile from growing on his face.

he walked to the kitchen, pleased by the aroma that attacked his senses when he stepped in.

"damn, it smells amazing in here." zion looked over edwin's shoulder.

"she likes her steak medium, right?" edwin raised an eyebrow.

"yeah, and she likes cheese in her mash and salty fries on the side."

edwin nodded, going back to cutting up the potatoes brandon had peeled.

meanwhile, brandon was almost sweating as he furiously mashed up potatoes.

"bro, careful. you're gonna pop a vein or something." zion laughed. brandon smiled, wiping his forehead with his sleeve.

"who knew mashing potatoes was so much work?" he chuckled, turning around and going back to his job.

zion glanced at the clock, before remembering he and austin had broken it while messing around so it wasn't accurate.

"nick, what time is it?" zion yelled.

"7:09" nick called from the backyard.

"alright, i'm gonna start getting ready. i hope y'all don't mess anything up while i'm gone. also nick, my phone's over there, text kym telling her to get ready."

"copy that." nick nodded, picking up zion's phone and using his fingerprint to unlock it.

he went to zion and kym's messages and clicked send on the prewritten message zion typed up.

hey baby, surprise! we're doing something tnite. i left you a package outside, put on the clothes i left for you and be ready by 8. i love you! 💞

uh ok, i love you too?

zion rushed up the steps, taking two at a time. he walked into his room and widened his eyes, forgetting the monstrosity he had left it as a few hours earlier.

he picked up a towel and headed into the bathroom, taking a shower to freshen up. he spent almost half an hour inside, mostly thinking about everything that was going down tonight.

after finally getting out, he dried himself and wrapped his towel around his waist. he brushed his teeth and fixed up his dreads that he had gotten totally retwisted the day before.

he walked into his room, jumping slightly at the harsh knocking at the door.

"sorry bro, i don't know if you're naked on the other side or something, but it's almost 8!" austin called from the other side.

"alright, thanks dude. y'all texted her when i went to shower right?" zion raised his voice slightly to ensure that austin heard him.

"yep!" the long haired boy replied.

"okay, thanks."

zion moved past his large mess and put on a pair of boxers, going to his bed and starting to get into the suit that charlotte had kindly ironed for him.

he finished buttoning up his shirt and started tying his tie, remembering how to from when his dad taught him.

he fixed his collar as he looked at himself in the mirror, nodding at nothing in particular.

he put on the cleanest of the two pairs of white air force ones he owned before spritzing himself with some cologne and heading back downstairs.

"damn, z! you sure can clean up." brandon chuckled.

"you look great. she'll love it." charlotte reassured him. zion nodded back, smiling.

"alright, thanks guys." zion blushed as the boys continued hyping him up.

"should i go pick her up now?" nick questioned.

zion nodded. "let's do this."

word count: 795 words
published: may 18, 2018
i'm excited laid ease🤩

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