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"hey. beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful angel. love your imperfections every angle. tomorrow comes and goes before you know. so i just had to let you know," zion sang softly.

"started when we were younger, swear to god that i loved her," he continued, glancing at kym.

stop, he told himself.

the rest of drive he hummed along to the songs that played from kym's phone, them having similar music tastes so he enjoyed all the songs.

when he pulled into the driveway, kym was still sound asleep. he unplugged her phone and slipped it into his pocket, getting out of the driver's side quietly.

he went to kym's side and unbuckled her seatbelt, slipping an arm under her back and the other under her knees, then carried her bridal style into the house.

zion was careful not to wake kym up as he slowly went up the stairs and placed her gently on his bed. he put her phone on the bedside table and laid down next to her, going on his phone.

he was on his phone for who knows how long, and he ended up falling asleep himself.

zion woke up to nick saying that they were having a band meeting. he carefully got out of the bed and went down.

kym was peacefully asleep, until her dream turned into a nightmare.

kym smiled at cris and hugged him, then he left to go to a friend's house. she sat on the couch alone until she heard a scary screech outside.

her eyes widened and she ran down her steps, gasping as she saw cris' white lexus crashed into a delivery truck.

she sprinted to the crash site, calling 911.

"hello, please come to (insert address here). my- my best friend got into a really bad car accident. please help." she sobbed into the phone.

"okay, miss, we're going to need you to ca-" kym screamed as she saw cris' bloody face through the broken window.

her breathing became heavy. "no! cris. no, oh my god. CRIS!" she continued screaming.

"no, no." she whispered as she fell on the ground and rocked back and forth. she shut her eyes, trying to control her breathing.

she was having a panic attack.

tiffany walked halfway down the stairs and called out to the boys as they were finishing their meeting.

"um, boys. that girl keeps screaming and it's interrupting my meditation. can someone shut her up?" she said.

zion's eyes widened and he sprinted up the stairs, nick hot on his trail.

they barged into zion's room as kym screamed again, shaking.

"kym, kym. kym, wake up!" nick shook her. her eyes opened. her panic attack continued into the real world.

she shook uncontrollably and she couldn't breathe. she went pale and tears streamed down her face.

"z, she's having one again. you know you're the only one who can stop it." nick told zion causing him to rush to her other side and embrace kym.

"oh my god, kym. shh, calm down. i'm here. nick's here. we're here, babygirl. calm down. shh." he continued whispering things into her ear and holding her close until she stopped shaking and her breathing went back to normal.

"zion, oh my god." she sobbed into his hoodie. "shh, it's okay. you're okay." he told her. nick looked at the pair worriedly.

"kym, what triggered it? you haven't had one in years." he frowned.

"i- i was having a nightmare. it had c-cris in it and he died right when the truck smashed into his car. he w-was all bloody and-" she couldn't continue.

the other boys and tiffany all stood at the door watching this whole thing.

"finally." tiffany mumbled, loud enough for everyone to hear.

everyone — except edwin — glared at her as she strutted off to edwin's room.

"she's such a bitch, oh my god." kym groaned loudly, causing four of the five boys to lightly laugh and change the mood in the room. they all agreed, after all.

edwin rolled his eyes. "grow up." he scoffed, walking to his room.

kym's jaw dropped. "did he just- oh lord, i'm gonna smack them both to mars." she put her head in her hands.

"you good now, kym?" austin asked.

she nodded. "thank you, z." she smiled up at him. "of course." he hugged her tight.

word count: 715 words
published: feb. 27, 2018
can kym n zion just ~date~ thx

o wait im the author hehe

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