twenty two¿

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"shh," zion said quietly to austin and nick.

"how are you gonna wake her up?" nick whispered.

"probably cold water" zion replied.

some shuffling and three minutes later, austin was counting down.

"five, four, three, two,"

"i have a baseball bat under my bed and unless you don't want kids in the future i suggest you put that bottle down." kym said from the bed.

"shit! abort mission." zion said, putting down the cold water bottle and running out with nick and austin hot on his trail.

kym rolled her eyes, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. she heard something happening in the kitchen, but she knew it was probably the boys looking for food.

she picked up the water bottle and drank it, downing the whole bottle before shooting it into her recycling bin, picking up her phone.

9:32am her screen read.

"why are they up so early?" she whispered to herself, getting herself out of bed.

she went into the bathroom and did her usual morning routine, which was basically just washing her face and using the bathroom because she still had to eat breakfast.

she walked out, the smell of bacon and eggs instantly hitting her.

she went back into her room and grabbed her phone, then walked slowly down the stairs as the smell grew stronger.

"surprise!" the boys cheered as they all sat at her dining table, full meals on plates in front of them.

kym rose her eyebrows in shock. "oh shit."

she sat down in the empty space next to zion and across from edwin.

"who cooked?" she asked. brandon and edwin rose their hands.

"thank you boys." she smiled at the two.

"i told them you liked waffles more but they didn't listen, sorry babe." zion laughed.

kym shrugged, "it's fine, i'll eat either one."

zion's phone rang, and both him and kym looked at who it was.

kym only caught a glimpse of the word "maggie" before zion stood up, saying he had to take it.

kym shook the negative thoughts away, knowing zion was better than that.

she dug in, conversing with the four boys about random things.

"when are y'all dropping that healthy song?" kym asked after taking a sip of her water.

"soon." edwin replied.

kym rolled her eyes playfully. "miss me with that bullshit. i'm you guys' best friend, i really can't know?"

they all shook their heads.

"y'all fake as fuck." she responded, laughing.

word count: 409 words
published: apr. 11, 2018
filler chapter, but who tf is maggie👀

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