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kym sat down on the couch in between nick and zion, everyone — meaning the boys and their girlfriends, even edwin and tiffany — waiting to get an early listen of aurora.

alexys had school to take care of, so kym had facetimed her the night before and sent her the album so she could see her reaction. she loved it.

"okay, are you guys ready?" kym asked, putting her pizza down on the table and her laptop on her lap.

everyone cheered. they were all excited.

"okay, here's the first track. it's called song like you." she pressed play and the introduction played through the living room speakers.

"a song like you is a ripple of the wave that rises to a hurricane, oh oh." her voice came through the speakers.

charlotte clapped. "oh my gosh, i love it already!" kym shot her a large grin.

the song ended and everyone clapped.

"that was amazing!"

"more songs like that and i see high rankings on the charts, girl!"


"thank y'all." she laughed. she played burning bridges, the second track on the album.

"okay, this is my personal favorite on the whole album." she announced and pressed play on motherlove.

"i know why you're hitting me up. all you ever want is to fuck with me." she sang.

edwin's attention instantly focused onto the lyrics.

"don't call me just because you have nobody else. you're desperate and full of shit, boy i can tell." the chorus played.

edwin, zion, and nick's eyebrows raised.

"don't call me just because you have nobody else," the music faded.

"i'd rather lay in bed and motherlove myself." kym's voice continued.

"oh shit!" austin exclaimed excitedly.

the song ended and zion tapped kym on the shoulder. "when did you write that?"

edwin stared at her intently.

"when i was living in london." she answered. zion nodded.

"oh, so it was about- oh." nick processed. kym laughed and nodded.

"okay, here's the saddest song on the album." she said, leaning her head on zion's shoulder as she hit play on i can't breathe.

the piano played through the speakers. "i already feel the tears!" brandon laughed, causing kym to smile.

"somebody get me a hammer, wanna break all the clocks and the mirrors, and go back to a time that was different, a time when i.." kym's soft voice sang.

"oh," nick raised his eyebrows. "this my new simp song."

"cause i can't breathe. i can't breathe." the chorus played.

the song ended and kym was blinking back tears.

"was that about him?" zion whispered into her ear. kym nodded.

she continued going through the songs and even passed by repercussions, the song she performed at the party a while back.

"hey, i know this song!" brandon exclaimed.

"same here!" austin smiled.

the next song was s.l.u.t., her other favorite on the album.

"okay, this one is called s.l.u.t., and you'll understand what that means when you hear the chorus."

"i love myself, i wanna see it. when i turn around, look in the mirror. and if you don't like it, you can leave it. cause it's my own, and i'll keep owning it." her voice came through.

"and it's really not my fault if you're scared of a.. sweet little unforgettable thing. unforgettable. sweet little unforgettable thing. so incredible." the chorus sang.

the song ended and nick raised his hand. "i get it!"

kym turned her head to him and raised an eyebrow. "yes, mr. mara?"

"s.l.u.t. stands for sweet little unforgettable thing!" he almost yelled.

"wow, we have a detective on our hands." she laughed, as everyone else joined her.

she went through the rest of the album and zion picked her up abruptly, causing her to yelp.

"i'm so proud of you!" he hugged her tight. "thank you! put me down, please." she laughed, even though she really enjoyed being in his arms.

he chuckled and put her back down on the couch, where everyone group hugged her, telling her congrats and how they loved it.

"wow, i feel so loved." she put a hand on her heart and wiped away a fake tear.

they hung out for a little more and everyone soon went their separate ways.

kym went into the kitchen to throw away all the trash they made when tiffany came in.

"hey, your album sounds really good." she complimented. "thank you." kym sent a small smile.

"look, i know we don't have the best history. but can we maybe start over?" tiffany asked, putting out her hand. kym saw edwin in the corner of her eye watching and she mentally rolled her eyes, knowing he set it all up.

"thanks for the offer, but no thank you. come back when you actually mean it!" she smiled at tiffany and walked out of the kitchen back into the living room.

"kym! can you come with me?" zion put his phone down and eagerly asked. "sure, but where?" she asked as he pulled her along. "the roof."

they climbed up the ladder and zion's nerves kicked in. "um, okay, so first of all, i'm deadass really fuckin' proud of you." he told her.

she smiled up at him as the sun got closer to fully setting. "thank you, z."

"okay, here i go. so um, i'm just gonna spit it out. when we first met we obviously saw each other as best friends. as we got older and especially recently i realized that i have feelings stronger than just as best friends for you." zion exhaled nervously.

kym's eyes widened. was it finally happening?

"well, i like you. a lot. hell, i maybe even love you, kym. i think you're a fucking angel and you deserve a guy that will treat you as if you were royalty. and i think i can do that. i know you probably don't feel the same, but i needed to get it out before it was too late. so, kymberly rea escobedo." he stared into her eyes, her staring back.

"will you be my girlfriend?"

kym's hand covered her mouth as tears formed in her eyes.

"i feel the same way, z." she said so softly it was almost a whisper.

"so yes, i will be your girlfriend, caleb zion kuwonu."

he grinned widely and placed his lips on hers, the sun disappearing as their lips met.

word count: 1057 words
published: mar. 3, 2018

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