twenty three¿

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zion came back to the table as everyone was finishing up.

"who were you talking to that took you that long?" kym laughed lightly.

"oh, just my sister. we were talking about her visiting." zion shook his head, taking a bite of his eggs.

kym nodded slowly. "i'm gonna start working on dishes, if y'all got dirty plates and stuff just bring them to the sink."

she stood up, bringing her plate and cup with her to the kitchen sink. she pushed back the sleeves on zion's hoodie and turned on the faucet, letting the dishes run in the water.

"hey, you good? a blind person could notice your mood change when zion sat back down." edwin came up next to her, placing his dishes on the counter.

"yeah, i'm good." she replied shortly, concentrating on the plate she was scrubbing.

"you sure? i know we've had a rocky past but-"

"yes, ed. i'm fine, i promise." kym smiled at him. the boy nodded, walking back to the table.

the boys one by one started to bring their plates, all thanking kym before going back to the table.

she bit her lip intently as she started thinking.

was it really that noticable?

who the fuck is maggie?

why did zion lie?

why does edwin suddenly care so much?

her thoughts were interrupted by zion loudly walking into the kitchen, setting his plate down next to the last one on the table.

"baby, you good? you look like you're about to break that plate with your hands." zion chuckled.

"yeah, sorry. just a lot on my mind, i guess." kym replied.

"z, we gotta go." edwin called from the front door.

"where are you going?" kym rose an eyebrow.

"dance rehearsals." zion replied.

kym dried her hands and kissed his cheek, before pushing him towards the kitchen door.

"see you later?" she questioned.

"can't make it. i have plans, sorry babe. tomorrow sound good?" he said walking out the door.

kym nodded slightly, smiling and waving from the opening of the front door. she shut it before sliding down it, tears forming in her eyes.

"fuck hormones" she thought.

word count: 360 words
published: apr. 13, 2018
caleb sweetie what r u doing😰😡

also youngblood by 5sos i yodeled so hard the yodeling walmart boy is shook

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