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the group went into several of the lines to get in, quickly handing the employees their tickets and getting their pictures taken.

after they all got through their lines, they regrouped and the girls squealed, excited that they could all experience disney for the first time together.

"okay, so where's our first stop?" zion asked.

"we should go to that place where you can get those birthday badges and shit for kym." alexys suggested.

zion nodded in response, "let's go then!"

(a/n ok im going off my memory of disney and i haven't been in a minute so if something aint accurate dont come for me😭💀)

after doing so, the group all decided to go to tomorrowland first. they went on the buzz lightyear ride, zion pouting as they walked out after seeing that kym had beat him by 200 points.

"you're a whole cheater." he whined.

"you're a whole headass." kym smiled up at him, placing her hands on his chest.

"take that back, baby." zion continued to pout.

"why take back the truth?" she grinned, pecking his lips before going to austin and linking arms with the blonde boy.

"hello sir, how are you doing on this lovely day?" she asked.

"quite exquisite, if i do say so myself. what about you, madam?" austin put on his posh accent.

"i'm at disneyland with my best friends, my wig is orbiting around jupiter by now, i believe." kym responded.

"damn porter, why you stealing my girl?" zion went in between them, wrapping his arm around kym.

"it's mr. steal yo girl." austin held up a peace sign, turning around in a circle and whipping slowly. (like that vine ok idk how to describe skjdsk)

they went through the rest of tomorrowland, buying fastpasses for space mountain which surprisingly wasn't very busy.

they took a quick ice cream break, getting the mickey ear shaped chocolate covered ice cream bars.

kym went to take a chunk out of hers, when suddenly something cold came in contact with her face.

"caleb zion kuwonu!" she exclaimed, taking the stick off her face and looking at him in shock.

zion died of laughter, going as far as bending over trying to catch his breath.

"you're so lucky i went bare face today because then we'd have a serious issue." kym groaned.

she took a quick trip to the bathroom, using a wet paper towel to wipe all the sticky residue off her face.

she exited the bathroom and walked back with the group, who were now on their way to space mountain as it was almost the time on their passes.

she passed by zion, engaging in a conversation with alexys and charlotte on how she keeps her skin so clear.






"baby!" zion repeated.

kym turned around, walking to him.


"i'm sorry for smashing my ice cream into your face." zion frowned.

kym tried hard to hold back her laughter.

"it's okay, love." she replied as she kissed his cheek and intertwined their hands.

why am i dating the biggest headass in the world? she thought.
word count: 516 words
published: apr. 2, 2018
sorry we fr slacked on updating but we're back w some bomb ass ideas soooooooooo yeah :)

more cute kym and zion shit in the next chapter maybe i think idk we haven't written it yet

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