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"oh shit, i thought we was doing that on purpose." nick replied.

"well, at least they have a car." charlotte piped in. kym nodded in agreement, putting the volume back up.

austin's phone rang, everyone's attention being brought to it.


"wait, what?"

"we were gonna get food."

"can't you guys uber?"

"but we're all literally starv- ok, ok! damn, boy."

"ok, bye."

austin sighed as he put his phone down.

"edwin's car got towed, we have to go back and get them."

everyone in the car groaned. "can we eat first?"

"edwin was literally yelling at me over the phone when i tried to suggest that, so no."

"of course. selfish ass bitch." kym mumbled.

zion placed his hand on top of hers.

he pulled off to the side, looking to see if any cars were coming before making a u-turn.

everyone in the car was in somewhat a bad mood now, just wanting a double double and some fries.

twenty minutes later they pulled back into the parking spot they were in earlier, edwin and tiffany standing up from their spot on the curb.

nick and austin got out, austin getting in the back with brandon and charlotte and edwin and tiffany getting into the middle row before nick.

zion's playlist played quietly as a silence arose in the car.

"y'all are boring as fuck." zion said, turning up the volume and dirty laundry by blackbear blasting through the car.

"my girl don't want me, cause of my dirty laundry, and i think that she knows, that i'm out of control." everyone except tiffany sang along, as she didn't know the words.

bodak yellow came on, everyone in the car turning up.

"said little bitch, you can't fuck with me, if you wanted to. these expensive, these is red bottoms, these is bloody shoes. hit the store, i can get 'em both, ion wanna choose." everyone rapped along.

"and i'm quick, cut a (n word cause we ain't black) off so don't get comfortable!" zion and tiffany sang along.

the car went silent and kym turned off the music.

"did you just-" kym said, turning around to look at tiffany.

"what?" the girl said cluelessly.

"you just said (n word)." zion said seriously.

"okay? i was singing the song?" tiffany laughed.

"baby, they get mad over this shit." edwin said quietly in her ear.

"oh my god. you're literally black. why are you condoning this behavior?!" kym raised her voice.

"what do you mean, i'm not black. i'm dominican." edwin said, as if he was the smartest man in the world.

"holy shit. how did i ever like you." kym said, grabbing zion's hand tightly to stop herself from attacking someone.

"what?" edwin said, confusedly.

"oh my god." nick mumbled, running his hand through his hair.

"i'm lost." edwin stated.

"nevermind." kym fake smiled at him.

"never, fucking, mind."

word count: 480 words
published: mar. 21, 2018
this is deadass all the edwin/tiffawho drama in one chapter

should i stop💀

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