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2k reads! thank you we love yall💘
also sorry for missing a whole week's worth of updates! we ran out of prewrittens and we weren't really motivated enough to put out rushed chapters. we only wanna put out chapters we're proud of! hope you understand 💝

"nicholas carter mara, if you don't hurry the hell up we're leaving without you!" kym yelled up the stairs.

"i'm coming, hold up!" nick said as he pulled on his air force 1's. he rushed down the stairs and joined the rest of the group.

"fina-fucking-lly." kym mumbled, walking towards the door. zion rushed to her side and grasped her hand, squeezing it lightly.

"babe, calm down. you don't need to be there for another hour." he said as they walked out the front door.

"i'm sorry, i just don't want or need anything going wrong tonight." she sighed.

kym, zion, nick, and austin all got into kym's car, while brandon, charlotte, edwin, and tiffany got into the prettymuch car.

kym plugged her phone into the aux after getting into the passenger's seat and 'jennifer' by trinidad cardona started playing through the speakers.

"jennifer, would you infer? i know you're playing games, i know that's how it works. first girl that i loved, first girl that i hurt." zion sang along softly.

kym admired how calming his voice was and leaned her head against the window, pulling up instagram on her phone to post a picture zion had taken of her earlier that day.

krescobedo just posted a photo!

krescobedo just posted a photo!

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krescobedo aurora. tonight. be ready⚡️
tagged: zionkuwonu
view 14,620 comments
user1 my mother
user2 that fit is so cute what the fuCk
user3 ok but how is zion actually like.. a rlly good photographer akdjkssk
user4 imma be waiting for some kyon pics ok
7 minutes ago

kym shut off her phone and felt as zion placed his hand gently on her thigh. coincidentally, don't by bryson tiller played and the lyric "left hand is steering, the other is gripping your thigh" came through the speakers.

zion smiled and lightly laughed, kym joining him. she placed her hand on top of his and they intertwined their fingers.

thirty minutes later, they finally arrived at the release party.

the four got out as edwin pulled in the space next to them, them four getting out as well.

kym and zion walked in first, hand in hand as the others followed. kym instantly groaned, seeing there were already a number of people there and she was just walking in.

"kym! c'mon, it's time for us to start announcing each song one by one!" claire rushed her to the small stage.

zion squeezed her hand reassuringly as they parted, kym giving him a small smile.

the group of now seven found seats in the front, close to the stage. they all sat down and smiled as kym was handed the mic and sat down in her seat in the middle of the stage.

"hello, everyone! thank you so much for joining me on this fine evening at my album release party!" she paused, smiling as people applauded.

"so this is my album called aurora, and i've been working on it for a really long time. i hope you all enjoy! all of the songs on this album are super unique and versatile in their own ways. the first track on the album is called song like you." she sat down as the background vocals slowly came through the large speakers.

"hell yeah! that's my best friend!" nick cheered as the song ended. kym looked at him and grinned, blowing him a kiss which he caught and stored in his heart.

"the second track is called burning bridges. this is definitely not like the first song, so i hope you all like it. this song was actually written about my first boyfriend." she looked around, lightly laughing.

"actually, a lot of this album is written about him. we were super happy for the first few months, but over time he changed. he became abusive, rarely physically, but definitely verbally and mentally. i hope you all like it." her voice lowered at the end.

the fans that had won tickets to get in all cheered. "we love you kym!"

kym sent a heart their way, mouthing "i love you all."

"okay, this third song is called motherlove! it's one of my personal favorites. this one was written after my first boyfriend and i had broken up and he tried to come crawling back. this song to me sends a message that us girls don't need a man to be strong, but we are independent bitches that don't need anyone to get by." she smiled widely.

"i'd rather lay in bed and motherlove myself!" four of the seven friends sang along loudly.

zion sat in his seat, silently admiring kym as she sat on stage. he watched as she played with her fingers, a habit she picked up for whenever she had nothing else to do.

a light grin appeared on her face as the crowd clapped again, seemingly loving the song.

"thank you!" she giggled as the clapping died down.

"okay, i'm sorry to bring down the mood, but this is the saddest song on the album. i wrote it partially during and after my first relationship, and partially after getting out of a toxic relationship and losing my best friend. this whole album is actually dedicated to cris, my best friend who sadly passed away earlier this year." kym looked down as tears formed in her eyes.

edwin stared at her intently, realizing that he was part of the reason of her sudden disappearance and bad mental state. a wave of guilt washed over him.

"anyways, here is 'i can't breathe'." kym forced a smile.

the song played through the speakers and tears started streaming down kym's face.

"cause i can't breathe, i can't breathe." kym quietly sang along and she continued fidgeting with her hands.

zion looked at austin as the song neared its' end, the long-haired boy nodding.

"i can't breathe." kym softly sang.

austin and zion clapped loudly. "we love you, kym!"

kym looked up at them, her eyes glistening with tears.

"wow, look you guys made me cry." she chuckled as she wiped the tears away.

edwin's heart slowly broke as he saw the state she was in. she was broken, but trying to keep herself together. they could all see it.

"okay everyone, this next song is called like that. it was written after i found out my first boyfriend cheated on me, then proceeded to hit me and throw me out with all my stuff. that's like, the stuff you read in fanfiction, but it really happened. enjoy." she made eye contact with zion.

he put up a heart with his hands. "i love you." he mouthed. she returned the heart, mouthing the same three words.

edwin watched the ordeal, shock written on his face.

she had been cheated on before.

and he did exactly the same thing.

word count: 1132 words
published: mar. 17, 2018
edwin finally caught up🤩

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