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nick furrowed his eyebrows at the chair that was stuck under zion's doorknob. he took it out, opening the door.

"oh my god, kym what's wrong?!" nick rushed to the crying girl's side.

"zion," she said.

"what? what did he do?" nick asked confusedly.

"he fucking put on sad one direction songs and hid our phones and put the speaker high up so i cant turn it off." she said.

nick struggled to keep in his laugh.

"where is it?" he asked.

she pointed at a shelf above zion's desk that was unnecessarily high up on the wall.

nick stood on his toes and barely reached the speaker, turning it off.

"hey!" zion exclaimed, walking into the room.

"oh my god, baby. do you really miss one direction that much?" he laughed at the girl.

she glared at him, stomping past him and slamming the door.

zion and nick looked at each other, coming to the same conclusion.

"she's probably on her period."

kym actually wasn't, technically. she was pms'ing. this always happened before her periods, especially recently.

she was either the happiest girl in the world, in a room crying because she missed one direction, or so angry that she could throw a chair. there was no in between.

kym huffed as she ran into a body.

"yikes. what happened to, that." tiffany scrunched her nose, pointing at kym's spotted bare face and bun that was so messy she'd probably never get that hair tie back.

"what happened to, that." kym shot back in a mocking voice, pointing at tiffany's face.

"okay, listen up bit-" tiffany was cut off by kym.

"no, okay. you listen up, fucker. don't step over the line once this week unless you want me to literally come for your neck." kym exclaimed.

tiffany raised her eyebrows. "i'd like to see you try, babygirl."

kym stifled her laughter. "don't call me that again, hon. it's not cute." she pushed past the girl and walked down the stairs, going into the kitchen.

"good morning, kym." brandon said.

"good morning, i guess." she responded.

"something wrong?" brandon asked caringly. she shook her head.

"no, i'm just about to get my period so my mood swings are through the roof right now."

brandon nodded. "if you need anything, just text or call me."

"aw, thanks michael." she hugged him.

"anytime, rea." he smiled, returning the hug.

they pulled away, kym going to the pantry and seeing a box of oreo o's. she took it out, pouring some into a bowl and going to the fridge for milk.

she yelped as something cold hit her hip.

"looking for this?" zion raised his eyebrow, holding up the milk jug.

"caleb i'm really not in the mood for your fucking games, give me the damn milk."

zion's eyebrows rose again. "not with that attitude."

he ran away, placing the milk on another high shelf that the 5'5 girl couldn't reach.

"holy FUCK i'm literally going to murder you caleb!" she screamed loud enough for the whole house to hear.

the boys just started coming out to the living room to see what was going on when kym slammed the front door shut.

word count: 531 words
published: apr. 7, 2018
don't mess with a pms'ing girl😡😡

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