vv important note¿

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hi, we hate putting authors notes as their own chapters but this had to be said asap. we won't be updating for a bit for two reasons.

one, writer's block has been a real bitch lately so our ideas are running low.

two, the nick/zion situation. yes, nick saying the n word was like two years ago or whatever but literally all that we need is an apology. that word shouldn't have been near his vocabulary at anytime in his life.

we're sure he's grown but him deleting the post and them ignoring the comments on prettybrunch show how little they seem to care about the situation.

and zion. we love him with our whole ass hearts but what he said on twitch was out of pocket. "get out with that weird ass energy"? what happened to his old tweets about equality and shit?

that word itself was part of what divided everyone. it sucks that he cares so little that he completely dismissed the situation.

we really can't express how disappointed we are. we aren't unstanning or anything like that, just stopping this story for a sec to collect ideas and see how nick/zion respond.

if you think we're overreacting, go ahead. you can stop reading. it sucks how ignorant people can be when it comes to these situations.

til next time, t & k ♡

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