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The following morning, Cassie stood in line at First International Bank with a deposit bag full of checks from clients. She always hated coming to the bank, especially at 10am. The lines were always crazy long, and it took her forever to get into work. She often tried to explain to Calum why she comes in so late on bank days, but he never seems to understand how busy the banks get. She checked her watch once more to see how much time had passed, finding it had only been a matter of minutes. "Late for something?" The girl behind her asked.

"No, just my job." Cassie looked at her. "It's my job to bring in deposits, but my boss gets mad at how long it takes."

"Oh, mine too. It's like he's never been to a bank before." The woman rolled her eyes. "I'm Taylor."

"I'm Cassie." She smiled. "Where do you work at?"

"I work for Global Lab Techs as Vice President." Taylor smiled. "What about you?"

"Oh, I work at Hood Enterprises as administrative assistant." Cassie smiled.

"You work for Calum Hood?" Taylor almost squealed.

"Yeah, I do. Do you know him?"

"No, he's a friend of my boss." Taylor said, holding back a smile. Taylor lied, she did know Calum. In fact, Taylor was in love with Calum. She had met him while interviewing for a position at Hood Enterprises, but she never got a call back. "Hey, looks like you're next." Taylor smiled.

"Finally." Cassie groaned. "I've been here all morning." She smiled a little.

"Hey, we should get lunch today. I'd love to get to know you more." Taylor smiled.

"Yeah, that'd be great." Cassie smiled. "Let me give you my card and we can set something up." Cassie dug in her purse and grabbed a business card, handing it to Taylor.

"I'll give you a call later." Taylor smiled and watched as Cassie walked up to the teller. Cassie handed her deposit bag to the teller along with her deposit slip. She thanked the teller and made her way to her car. She was finally on her way to work.

Taylor had called her about an hour after she got into work. They agreed to meet at Panera for lunch that day. At around 1:30, Cassie knocked on the doorframe of Calum's office. "I'm heading out for lunch. I'll be back at 3."

"Be back by 2:30, Cassie." Calum said, not looking up from his work.

"I said 3, Mr. Hood." Cassie rolled her eyes and walked back to her desk. She grabbed her purse and walked out to the parking garage, getting into her car. She got to Panera at the same time as Taylor. The two of them walked in together.

"What's it like working for Calum?" Taylor asked.

"He's a pain in the ass." Cassie sighed. "He gets these ideas and if anyone goes against them, all hell breaks loose."

"My boss is the same way." Taylor sighed. "I guess the business can make someone harder on others."

"What do you mean?" Cassie asked before ordering her food.

"You know, it's a tough business." Taylor shrugged and ordered, paying for the two of them.

"All we do is help people invest their money." Cassie furrowed her eyebrows and sat down at a table.

"That's all you do?" Taylor asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah? What else would we do? Sell drugs?" Cassie joked. Taylor furrowed her eyebrows and pulled out her phone.

"I'll be right back, it's my boss." Cassie nodded and watched Taylor walk outside. Once she was out, Taylor called Richard and left a voicemail. "It's me. She really seems like she doesn't know anything, but I'm convinced she knows. I'll keep digging and keep you updated." She hung up and walked back in, taking a seat across from Cassie once more.

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