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When Cassie finally came out of surgery and woke up from the transfusions, Rebecca went and got the boys. "She's awake."

"Can we see her?" Calum asked, standing up quickly.

"Woah, slow it down, Cal." Rebecca said, making him sit back down.

"I need to see her. Right now." Calum looked at her.

"Okay, I'll get you a wheelchair then." Rebecca said and grabbed a chair from the supply closet. She helped get Calum into the chair and looked at the boys. "Cassie's on a lot of drugs right now, so don't overwhelm her." They nodded and Rebecca led them to her room. "Hi, Cassie. Your friends are here to see you."

"Hi, baby, how're you feeling?" Calum asked.

"Uh, I'm fine? Rebecca, who are these people?" Cassie asked, looking at Rebecca.

"Cassie, it's us. Don't you remember?" Calum furrowed his eyebrows. "Rebecca, what's going on?"

"Let's talk outside." Rebecca said and took the boys out of the room.

"Why doesn't she remember us?" Luke asked.

"She crashed during surgery from an allergic reaction to the anesthesia and her brain activity isn't what it used to be. Once the drugs wear off, she'll be back to normal." Rebecca explained.

"Can you excuse us for a moment?" Michael asked her. She nodded and walked back into Cassie's room.

"Calum, you need to leave now." Ashton said.

"What?" Calum looked at him. "Leave Cassie? No way."

"Cal, she doesn't remember you. If you leave now, you won't be around when she does. It'll be less painful for both of you." Ashton said.

"You care about her safety, don't you? This is one way to ensure her safety. If you leave, Richard won't have a reason to go after her." Michael added.

"Leave Cassie?" Calum asked softly. "I don't know.."

"What don't you know?" Luke asked.

"I love her. I've never loved anyone before and I'll never love anyone again." Calum sighed. "But, then again, her safety is the most important thing to me. If I can't keep her safe, I have no reason being in her life."

"You need to decide. Are you going to stay, or will you go?"

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