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As soon as Calum heard the gunshot, he was in his car. He knew exactly where he needed to go. He was driving at least double the speed limit to get there. He parked outside and ran around to the back of the building. He ran into the warehouse and looked around for Cassie, but the room was too dark to see. He flipped on the lights and saw Cassie tied to a chair with a bullet hole in the floor next to her. "Cassie! Where's Richard?" He asked, rushing over to her.

"He left about an hour ago." Cassie said, looking up at him. "I didn't think you were coming."

"I'll always come back for you." Calum said and untied her. He helped her stand up and hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry." Cassie sniffled and hugged him back.

"I know, you are." She tried to fight back the tears. "What took you so long? I've been waiting three months for you."

"I thought about you every single day." Calum cupped her cheeks, wiping her tears with his thumb.

"Every day I laid there staring at my phone and waiting for you to call me and tell me you still love me." Cassie cried, looking up at him.

"Oh, Cassie. Of course, I still love you." Calum hugged her again. "These last three months have been absolute hell. I wanted to believe I was protecting you, but you were right. Being without you wasn't the right thing for either of us. I didn't realize back then how much I need you in my life. Cassie, I swear on my life, I am never leaving you again. I can't take another second without you in my life."


"What a sweet reunion. I was wondering when you'd show up, Hood." Richard smirked.

"You son of a bitch." Calum growled tackling Richard. He threw a punch to Richard's face, hitting his eye. Richard grabbed Calum's wrists and tried to push him off. Calum rolled off of Richard and used his feet to kick his stomach and ribs. Richard rolled on the ground and sent a kick to Calum's jaw. Calum quickly stood up and drew his gun.

"You think you can actually beat me?" Richard laughed and kicked Calum's knees, making him fall to the ground. Richard knocked the gun from Calum's hands, sending it flying across the room. He took the opportunity to repeatedly punch Calum's face and jaw. For a second, it looked as though Calum couldn't fight back. He brought his hands up to block Richard's punches, but Richard had other ideas. He grabbed Calum's hands and pinned them to the ground with his knees. He went back to his assault on Calum's face. Cassie watched in horror as Calum was defenseless against Richard's strength. She looked around the room, searching for something she could use to help. Calum just about had his hands free when a gunshot echoed through the room. He froze as Richard's lifeless body fell on top of him. He pushed the bloody body off of him and look up to see Cassie standing with his gun in her hands.

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