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Cassie hadn't seen Calum in nearly three months. She tried her best to forget about him. After all, she had no idea where he was anymore. She had been living with Rebecca, just in case Richard was still after her. "Cassie, you need to come out of your room. This isn't healthy." Rebecca said through the door.

"I have no reason to live anymore. I'm jobless, I'm basically homeless, I could still be in danger, and I don't have Calum anymore."

"You have plenty of reasons to live. You have me, you have your memories. And, besides, you could get a job and a place of your own."

"It wouldn't make me feel any better." Cassie sighed.

"You know what might help? Going back to the office. The psychiatrist at work suggested it to me for you. She said it could help bring you closure."

"Yeah, because going back to the place I first met Calum is a great idea."

"Give it a try. You can go on your way to get groceries."

"You're the one that buys the groceries, not me."

"Nope, today you're doing it." Rebecca said. "Get up and go. There's a list on the fridge."

"Fine, I'll go." Cassie sighed and got out of bed. She showered and got dressed before leaving for the store. She picked up the groceries before driving to the office. She parked in front and got out of the car. She walked into the building and looked at the emptiness. She looked over as she saw something move in her peripheral vision. "Oh, God.." She whispered as she saw Richard walking down the hallway. She started running toward the door, hoping he hadn't seen her.

"Long time no see, eh, Cassie" Richard smirked as he stood in front of her.

"Please don't hurt me.." She pleaded.

"You know I wouldn't hurt you unless I had a reason to." He chuckled. "We're just gonna go for a drive." He said, pressing a gun to the small of her back. "Make any sudden movements and you'll be sorry." She pushed her forward and walked her to his SUV, shoving her in the back.

"Where are we going?" She asked, looking at him.

"You'll remember when you see it." He smiled and tied her hands behind her back. "For good measure." He winked at her before covering her nose and mouth with a cloth. She tried to fight it, but it was too strong. The last thing she remembered was the sound of a car starting.

When she awoke, she was in a dark room with her hands and feet tied to a chair. "What do you want with me?" Cassie asked, knowing Richard was listening.

"I just brought you here for a final farewell."

"Farewell? What are you talking about?" She asked. He turned on a light and walked over to her.

"You're going to say a final goodbye to Calum."

"I haven't spoken to Calum in months. I don't even know where he is."

"You know more than you think." Richard smirked and aimed his gun at her. "Let's give him a call." He dialed the number and put it on speaker, letting it ring.

"This is Calum." Cassie almost broke when she heard his voice.

"C-Cal?" Tears welled up in her eyes and her throat felt dry.

"Cassie? What's going on? Whose number are you calling from?" Calum asked, concern lacing his voice.

"I.." She looked up at Richard. He nodded at her and kept his gun on her. "I'm calling to say goodbye."

"Goodbye? Cassie, what's going on?"

"Goodbye, Calum" Cassie cried.

"Cass-." He was cut off by a gunshot, followed by dial tone echoing through his phone.

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