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A week after her incident with the shipment, Calum seemed to have forgotten what happened. For a while, he was cold and distant, but he had finally returned to his normal self. He came in later than usual carrying two cups of coffee. He walked over to Cassie's desk and set one of the cups down. "I have a job for you. Come to my office." He said, not giving her a chance to respond before heading to his office. She got up quickly and followed him.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I'll tell you, if you'd let me." Calum rolled his eyes and sat at his desk. "What kind of car do you drive?" He asked.

"Uh, a Jeep Cherokee?" Cassie furrowed her eyebrows. "Why do you need to know what kind of car I drive?"

"Stop it with the questions." Calum groaned. "I need you to make a delivery for me. Usually I do them, but I've got too many meetings today." He grabbed a notepad and wrote something down quickly. "There are 2 boxes in the warehouse labelled GreenHill. I need you to take them to this address." He handed her the note paper.

"That's it?" She asked, taking the paper.

"That's it. Now, get going." He waved her off and pulled out his large binder. Cassie sighed and walked out of his office, going down to the warehouse.

"What can I get you, miss?" The warehouse foreman asked her.

"I need the two boxes for GreenHill." She explained. He nodded and grabbed the boxes for her, bringing them over. "Thank you." She nodded to him and carried them out to her car, putting them in the trunk. She got in the car and plugged the address into her navigation and began driving. Every once in a while, she'd glance back at the boxes. Calum hadn't told her what was in them, and after what happened before, she didn't want to open them herself. She turned on the radio to distract her from the boxes.

Almost an hour later, Cassie arrived at the warehouse. She grabbed the boxes from her trunk and walked up to the large garage door. She rang the bell next to the small door and waited for someone to open it. She waited for almost 10 minutes before two men finally opened the large door. "What do you need?" The taller man asked.

"Uh, I have a delivery from Hood Enterprises." Cassie said, looking over the boxes at them.

"Oh, right on time." The other one smirked. "I'll show you where you can put those." Cassie nodded and followed him into the warehouse. She followed him over to a corner. "You can set those here on this rack." She nodded once more and set the boxes down. She looked up at the man, starting to feel uncomfortable by his presence. He smirked down at her, sending shivers down her spine.

"I'll, uh.. I'll be going now." Cassie said, her breathing getting heavier.

"No, you won't." The taller one whispered. Cassie turned to look at him, jumping slightly at how close he was to her. She let out a scream as the other one grabbed her arms, pressing a damp cloth to her nose and mouth. She tried to squirm out of his grip, but her limbs wouldn't move. Her body fell against his as everything went black.

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