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Cassie followed Luke out to the nurse as Michael and Ashton left the building. "Why wouldn't they let me go with?" Cassie asked Luke as she sat on the desk.

"Like Ashton said, you mean too much to Calum. It's not safe for you to be there." Luke leaned against the desk next to her as the nurse cleaned off Cassie's head.

"But, I can help." Cassie winced slightly. "Calum told me about the whole mafia thing."

"He told you?" Luke looked genuinely surprised.

"Well, Richard forced him to, but he still told me." Cassie sighed. "I moved here to get away from mafias."

"What are you talking about?" Luke asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"My father and my grandfather were both part of the Romanian mafia. My grandmother was murdered by the Slovakian mafia as retaliation for some bullshit that went down. Then, my mother was murdered by the Russian mafia for more bullshit my father was involved in. My siblings and I all moved away from home to be safe from that." Cassie explained.

"Does Calum know?" Luke asked and Cassie shook her head.

"I was in too much shock to tell him after I figured everything out with him." Cassie sighed. "My dad always said that the mafia always finds you again, even when you're careful."

"He's right." Luke sighed. "Wait, you said Romanian mafia, right?" Cassie nodded.

"Why, is that important?" She asked, feeling quite confused.

"Yes, we frequently do business with the Romanian mafia. They're one of the groups we sell drugs and weapons to." Luke explained. "Is your dad Mihai Vasile?"

"Yeah, that's him." Cassie nodded slowly.

"No way." Luke chuckled softly. "He tells us about his daughter Mihaela every time he comes to the country."

"He doesn't know I'm here, does he?" Cassie sighed. "I left home when I was only 5. My adoptive parents were ex-mafia and my dad didn't trust anyone else to watch over me. I had to change my name so no other mafias could find me."

"What about your siblings? Are they here, too?" Luke asked.

"No, we had to scatter. My younger sister is in Germany, my older sister is in Lithuania, my brother are in India and New Zealand." Cassie sighed. "I haven't seen any of them since we left home."

"Who else knows?" Luke asked, looking down at her.

"I haven't told anyone this much detail, but you. My friend, Taylor, knows that I'm from Romania and that my siblings are living in different countries."

"Taylor?" Luke stood up straight. "Please, God, tell me you're not talking about Taylor McKinnon."

"You know Taylor?" Cassie furrowed her eyebrows.

"Taylor works for Richard." Luke rubbed his face. "What else have you told her? Anything about Calum?"

"No, she asks about him all the time, but I never know what she's asking for."

"Let's go, we're going to the others." Luke said, grabbing Cassie's hand.

"What? I thought I couldn't go?"

"That was before this." Luke pulled her out to his car. "I need you to call Taylor. Tell her you need some help with something work related and have her meet us at the loading dock." Cassie nodded and dialed Taylor's number as she got in the car.

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