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Calum arrived at the warehouse an hour later, but it didn't look like anyone was there. He parked his car and looked around. He bit his lip when he spotted Cassie's car parked a little farther down. He got out of his car and walked to hers, opening the door. He looked around for anything that could give him a clue about what happened to her. He picked up her phone from the console and pressed the home button, but it was dead. He sighed and walked up to the warehouse doors. He opened the smaller door and walked in, keeping his hand on his gun just in case. "Ah, Calum Hood. So nice of you to join us." Richard smirked as he stood in the middle of the room.

"Where is she?" Calum demanded, pulling out his gun and aiming it at Richard.

"Is that any way to greet an old friend?" Richard chuckled. Calum furrowed his eyebrows, wondering why he was to calm with a gun pointed at him. And, then he realized. Richard doesn't work alone. Calum sighed and tucked his gun back in his pants.

"Tell me where she is, Richard." Calum glared at him.

"I don't know what on earth you're talking about." Richard laughed darkly.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Where is Cassie?!" Calum yelled, stepping closer to him.

"Sven, be a dear and bring out our guest." Richard nodded to the man standing behind Calum. Sven walked to the other room, closing the door behind him.

"What do you want with her? She's not part of this." Calum crossed his arms.

"She's not part of this?" Richard raised an eyebrow. "Then, tell me, why did she make this delivery? Or, a better question. Why did you let her make this delivery?"

"I wasn't supposed to be delivering to you." Calum growled. His rage soon turned to fear as Sven came out of the room, dragging Cassie behind him. Her hands and feet were bound and her mouth was covered with duct tape.

"Put her in the chair." Richard instructed. Sven nodded and placed Cassie on a wooden chair and tied her arms to the chair.

"Let her go." Calum demanded.

"How can you make demands when you're in the same position as her?" Richard smirked as another man grabbed Calum's arms, forcing him into a chair.

"Stop, what are you doing?" Calum asked, trying to squirm out of the ropes. "Please, she doesn't deserve this. Let her go." Calum looked at Richard, trying to reason with him.

"I didn't think you'd be so protective of her." Richard chuckled and walked over to Cassie. He rubbed his hand against her cheek gently. "She does make great company, though." He smirked, letting his hands drift down.

"Don't touch her." Calum growled, trying to break out of the ropes.

"She has such a pretty face." Richard smirked at Calum. "It'd be a shame if something were to happen to it." He brought his hand back to her cheek.

"Richard, please. Kill me instead. Don't hurt her." Calum begged. "She's not part of this." Cassie looked at Calum, confusion written across her face.

"This could be good." Richard chuckled. He grabbed the back of Cassie's chair and pushed her forward until her knees were touching Calum's. "I'll let you two have some time alone. You know, before she dies." He laughed and walked out of the room with Sven and the other man. As soon as they were gone, Calum looked at Cassie.

"Are you hurt? Did they hurt you?" Calum asked, looking into her eyes. Cassie looked at him as tears welled up in her eyes. "Lean down. I'm gonna take the tape off your mouth." Cassie nodded and leaned down as far as she could with the ropes constricting her. Calum pulled the tape off her mouth and threw it aside.

"Calum, what's going on?" Cassie asked, a tear falling down her cheek.

"Don't worry, princess." Calum whispered. "I'm not going to let them hurt you."

"No, Calum. Tell me what the hell is going on." Cassie demanded, looking at him.

"It's nothing you need to know about." Calum shook his head.

"Calum Hood, I deserve an explanation." Cassie looked into his eyes. "I thought we were an investment company, why are you making deliveries? What could you possibly be giving people?"

"I told you, you don't need to know. Cassie, I need you to trust me." Calum pleaded with her. "Do you trust me?"

"I trust you." Cassie whispered, looking down at her lap.

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