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"Tell her, or she gets hurt." Richard crossed his arms and looked at Calum.

"You wouldn't hurt her like this. It's not going to satisfy your sick needs." Calum spat.

"You think I won't hurt her?" Richard raised an eyebrow. "If you really think that, then watch this." Richard laughed darkly and swung the metal pipe at Cassie, sending it crashing against her stomach. She let out a choked scream, squeezing her eyes shut.

"No!" Calum tugged at his restraints as Richard drew ready to swing again. "Please, don't hurt her." Calum begged. "Take me instead."

"You know you're not the one I want, Calum. I don't want to hurt you." Richard placed his hand over his heart as if to show he cared. "Not physically, at least." He added, showing his true motives.

"Cassie, I need you to take deep breaths. Keep your breathing slow." Calum said, hoping he could relieve some of her pain.

"I-I can't." Cassie gasped out.

"Maybe this will help." Richard smirked and hit her stomach again, almost like he was swinging at a pinata. Cassie gasped for air as the pipe connected to her skin.

"No!" Calum growled, once again trying to free himself.

"If you had just listened to me, and told her what your company does, she wouldn't be getting hurt." Richard smirked at Calum. "All you have to do to end her suffering, is tell her what you've been keeping from her."

"P-Please, Calum.." Cassie begged. She looked at him tearfully.

"Okay! Fine, I'll tell her. Just put the pipe away." Calum pleaded, looking at Richard.

"Wonderful choice." Richard chuckled and dropped the pipe. "Enjoy the story, Cassie."

"Calum, what's he talking about?" Cassie looked over at Calum, more than confused at the situation.

"I'm so sorry, Cassie. I never wanted you to get involved in this." Calum shook his head.

"Just tell her already. My God, you really do take forever." Richard scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"I'm getting there." Calum sighed and looked at Cassie. "My company isn't just investing money for clients. That's just a cover for what I really do."

"What you really do?" Cassie furrowed her eyebrows.

"Don't interrupt, you'll miss the good parts." Richard smirked.

"I'm actually the leader of a sector of the Australian mafia.." Calum looked down. "Ashton, Luke, and Michael are part of the gang, too. I do help people invest money, but I also help clients that want people dead."

"You're a hitman?" Cassie widened her eyes.

"No, not exactly. I don't do the killing, I just help clients find the right person to do it." Calum sighed. "I needed a way out of a normal life, and I found the mafia and I can't get out of it now. There's no safe way for me to get out. I never wanted you to get in this, that's the last thing I wanted."

"Why did you hire me, if you didn't want me in this?"

"Because, I needed someone for the actual clients. The ones that just wanted to invest money. I needed you to be the one they saw to make sure they never suspected anything."

"What about the drugs and weapons? What do you do with those?"

"I thought you said you didn't open any of the shipments?" Calum looked at her.

"I lied. I opened one this morning." Cassie sniffled. "I just wanted to know what you were hiding, and I never expected it to be that."

"It's not as bad as it seems." Calum tried to explain. "The shipments I get are things I sell to clients. Murder isn't really a hot market right now, and I needed to keep my profits up."

"Why couldn't you have just been normal." Cassie shook her head.

"I wish I was, but now you know the truth." Calum sighed. "Cassie, I swear I'm not doing this to hurt you. Hurting you is the last thing I'd ever want to do."

"You haven't even told her the best part. Tell her how we became enemies." Richard smirked.

"Calum..?" Cassie looked at him. She knew it was going to be something bad, but she had no idea what to expect anymore.

"I.." Calum sighed and shook his head. "I killed his family.."

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