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After nearly 24 hours, Richard finally came back with Cassie. He set her in the chair and tied her arms once more. "She won't be waking up for a while." Richard chuckled and grabbed her hair, forcing her head back.

"What did you do to her?" Calum growled, glaring at Richard.

"I'll let her tell you when she wakes up." He smirked and walked back out of the room. Calum sighed and looked at Cassie's limp body. There were bruises on her arms and legs, most in the shape of fingers.

"Cass.." Calum sighed. "Please wake up." He said, kicking her chair. He spent the next hour kicking her chair, trying to wake her up. Finally, her eyes began to open. "Cassie?" Calum asked softly, looking at her.

"C-Calum..?" Cassie whispered, struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Yeah, baby, it's me." Calum couldn't hold back his smile. "I'm here, and I'm gonna get you out."

"So tired.." Cassie mumbled, her head drooping down as her eyes closed once more.

"No, no, Cassie. I need you to wake up." Calum kicked her chair again. She sat up quickly and looked around.

"What's going on?" She asked, looking at Calum before looking around again.

"Cassidy Blake, look at me." Calum demanded. "I'm getting you out of here, okay? You're going to go find Ashton Irwin, Michael Clifford, and Luke Hemmings. Got it?"

"Got it." Cassie nodded, looking at Calum.

"Do you have your car keys?" He asked.

"They're in my car, I think.." Cassie mumbled.

"Take my car. My keys are in my pocket." Calum explained. "Understand?"

"Yes, Calum. I'm not a child." Cassie sighed. "How are you getting me out?"

"Shh, I'm working on it." Calum sighed and looked around. "Can you scoot your chair over here?" He cocked his head to the side. Cassie nodded and scooted over, so she was next to him. "Great, now do that again so your back is facing my back."

"How is this gonna work?" Cassie asked, scooting her chair until she was back to back with Calum.

"Just trust me." He sighed and started playing with the ropes around her hands. He fiddled with the ropes until they came loose. Cassie pulled her hands free from the ropes. "I need you to wiggle your upper body. Try to get the ropes up the side of the chair."

"Okay." Cassie nodded and wiggled her upper body. "Are you sure this is gonna work?" Cassie asked as she continued to wiggle against the chair.

"Yes, just keep wiggling." Calum sighed. "Cassie, I'm so sorry."

"Why won't you tell me what's going on?" Cassie asked, trying to wiggle the ropes up.

"I just can't, Cass. I want to, but I can't. Not yet." Calum sighed and tilted his head back. "You don't need to know what's happening here."

"I have a right to know why I've been held against my will for two days." Cassie sighed, finally getting her ropes free. She pushed them off her and began untying her feet.

"Just go find the boys. They can help you." Calum looked at her. "If anything happens to me, I need you to know that I-" He was cut off by the sound of footsteps. "Shit.. Cassie, get my keys and run." She nodded and reached into his pocket, pulling out his keys.

"Calum, I-"

"Cassie, you don't have time. You need to run. Now." Calum looked at her, his eyes wide. She nodded and ran for the door, only just barely making it out before Richard came back. She ran to Calum's car and got in, turning the car on. She sped out of the alley and down the street. She didn't stop driving until she made it to Irwin Enterprises. She parked illegally on the street and ran inside as fast as she could. She ran to the receptionists desk, hardly being able to stop in time.

"I need to speak to Ashton Irwin." She breathed heavily.

"Do you have an appointment?" The receptionist asked, not looking at her.

"No, but it's an emer-"

"Sorry. No appointment, no speaking." The receptionist rolled her eyes and blew a bubble with her gum. Cassie reached across the desk and grabbed the receptionist's badge before bolting for the stairs. She ran to the top floor and into the main bullpen.

"I'm looking for Ashton Irwin." She said, hoping someone would help her. No one acknowledged her. "What is wrong with you people?" Cassie groaned, throwing her hands up in exasperation. She was about to walk down a hallway when security showed up, grabbing her arms.

"Come with us, ma'am." The guard said sternly.

"No! I need Ashton!" Cassie yelled, kicking her legs. She knew she was causing a disturbance, but she needed to find Ashton as soon as possible. "Let me go!" Ashton came out of his office to investigate the noise.

"Oh, my God. Cassie?!" Ashton widened his eyes. "Greg, she's fine! She has clearance." Ashton told the guard. The guard let go of her and she ran to Ashton.

"You have to help him." Cassie held onto him. "You have to save Calum." She looked up at him.

"Luke, Michael! Get out here!" Ashton called out. "Come on, Cassie. Let's get you warmed up." Luke and Michael came out of the conference room and followed Ashton into his office.  "Luke, get Cassie a blanket." Luke nodded and walked to the closet, pulling out a blanket.

"I don't need a blanket, I need Calum." Cassie looked at them. "Richard has him at the warehouse."

"Mike, let's go. Luke, stay with her. She needs to have someone with her in case Richard comes back for her." Ashton said, pulling a gun out of his desk drawer. Cassie watched Michael and Ashton leave the room. Luke sighed and wrapped the blanket around Cassie.

"I need you to tell me what happened." Luke looked down at her. "I need every detail, no matter how small."

"Where should I start?" She looked up at him.

"The beginning. Start with the delivery." Luke rubbed her back.

"I thought it was a little strange that Calum needed me to do a delivery. Usually deliveries were labelled, but these weren't. I took them to the warehouse, and when I got there the guys made me bring the boxes to the back corner. They sort of trapped me there and then one of them grabbed me and the next thing I know, I'm tied up in a different room." Cassie began. "I thought I was going to die in there.."

"Calum would never let that happen." Luke sighed, holding her close to him. She sniffled as tears filled her eyes.

"They kept asking me questions about Calum, but I didn't know how to answer any of them. They were asking me about his clients, but I told them I don't deal with clients, so I couldn't help them. That's when they started hitting me.."

"Calum's gonna freak out when he hears this." Luke sighed and rubbed her back. "Keep going."

"The Russian one gave me some kind of drug and I passed out. When I woke up, he was bringing me out to the main area and Calum was there. Richard kept asking Calum what I knew and for a client list, but he wouldn't give him anything." Cassie sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Calum tried to trade his life for mine, but they wouldn't let him. They took me back to the smaller room and they started touching me. At first it was just my arms, but then it was my legs. They got rougher when I fought back, and that's when the Russian drugged me again. Then, I was back with Calum and he was untying me."

"You're okay now. They can't hurt you." Luke whispered, holding her close. "Get some rest." she nodded and rested her head against his chest.

"Luke?" She asked.

"Yeah, Cassie?"

"Will you tell me what this is all about?" She looked up at him.

"No, Cassie. I can't." Luke sighed. "It's not my place to tell you, Calum has to be the one to tell you." He rubbed her back. "Now, get some sleep."

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