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The night they left, they had no plans of looking back. Now, nearly a year later, they're new people. Calum is an insurance agent at the local agency, Cassie is a teacher at the elementary school. They reinvented themselves, together. "Cassie, we need to get you in your dress." Rebecca said, bringing the bag into the room.

"I can't believe I'm getting married today." Cassie shook her head and stepped into her dress.

"I'm surprised it took you two this long to do it." Rebecca smiled and zipped up the dress.

"Rebecca?" Cassie asked.


"I'm nervous.." Cassie sighed. "What if this isn't what he wants?"

"Cassie, if he didn't want to marry you, he wouldn't have proposed." Rebecca reassured her. "Calum loves you more than anything in the world. He wouldn't want to be with anyone else, I just know it."

"I can't believe we're doing this." Cassie took a deep breath.

"You killed a man and this is making you nervous?" Rebecca joked.

"I killed a man to keep Calum from getting killed." Cassie reasoned. "I did it out of love."

"And, you're marrying him out of love." Rebecca smiled. "Now, come on. He's already waiting for you." Cassie nodded and walked out to the large double doors.

"This is it." Cassie said as she took another deep breath. The doors opened and she looked up at the altar, her eyes locking in a tearful smile with the man on the other end of the aisle.

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