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Two more weeks went by with no sign of Richard. Not only was Richard off the grid, but his business had shut down and his employees had all disappeared. Calum had been on edge since learning about Richard's plan to kill Cassie, but the not knowing only made him more nervous. It was the night of the company party, and everyone was walking on eggshells. "Cassie, are you almost ready? We're gonna be late to our own company party." Calum said as he looked at his watch.

"Yeah, I'm coming. I just had a hard time strapping this gun to my thigh without it being noticeable." Cassie said as she walked down the stairs to Calum. He watched as she gracefully waltzed down the stairs, her dress clinging to all right places.

"You almost look too beautiful to be attending this party." Calum spoke softly as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Cassie blushed and kissed his cheek.

"Thanks, Cal." She smiled softly.

"Cass, I need you to know that whatever happens tonight, you're the most important person in the world to me." Calum whispered, looking into her eyes. She looked up at him and rubbed his cheek with her thumb. "I'll never forgive myself for putting you in this situation."

"Shh." Cassie pressed her lips to his. "Everything happens for a reason. If I get hurt tonight, it's all for a greater purpose." She whispered against his lips.

"I can't let you get hurt because of me. I should have protected you better." He hugged her close to him. Cassie shook her head and hugged him.

"Some things are just out of our hands. You've done all you can for me, and maybe it'll be enough."

"It'll never be enough." Calum pulled back and looked at her. "Either me or one of the boys needs to be with you at all times tonight, understand?" Cassie nodded.

"Yes, sir." Calum nodded and pressed a kiss to her head before leading her out to the car. They both got in and the driver took them to the hotel ballroom where the party would be held. Calum kept his arm around her waist as they walked into the ballroom. There were people dancing and mingling everywhere. Calum walked with Cassie to the boys.

"Well, don't you two look like the power couple of the century." Ashton joked.

"Very funny, Ash." Cassie rolled her eyes playfully.

"You do look very beautiful, Cassie." Michael smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Thanks, Mike." She giggled softly and squeezed his hand.

"Alright, you guys stay together. I have to go be a good CEO for a bit." Calum said and let go of Cassie's waist. "Come find me in about an hour." She nodded and watched him walk away.

"So, how's it been living with Calum?" Luke asked, handing her a class of champagne.

"He's so much different than he is at work. I didn't think Calum could be so soft." Cassie giggled.

"He's only soft for you, love." Ashton chuckled. "He's whipped."

"He's not whipped. He'd have to actually like me to be whipped."

"You don't think he actually likes you?" Michael raised an eyebrow.

"No, I know he doesn't. I'm just his assistant who he occasionally has sex with. That's all." Cassie shrugged. "It'd be too dangerous for both of us if either of us caught feelings."

"You don't have feelings for him?" Ashton asked her.

"Of course, I have feelings for him." Cassie sighed and set her glass down. "But, we could never be together. Not like this."

"Things won't always be like this." Luke said. "If Calum knew you liked him too, he'd find a way out for both of you." Cassie shook her head.

"There is no way out. Not with this job and not with Richard." Cassie looked at them. "There's no way it could." She looked down and the boys knew not to press it any further. They continued to drink in silence, watching the party guests mingle. After an hour, Cassie set out to find Calum.

"There you are." Calum grinned and walked up to her. "I was beginning to think you forgot." He kissed her cheek gently.

"How could I ever forget you?" Cassie smiled and leaned into him. Calum chuckled softly and held her close to him.

"Dance with me?" He asked, looking down at her.

"I'd love to." She smiled, taking his hand. He led her to the dance floor and placed his hands on her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck and looked up at him. He pressed a kiss to her forehead as they began swaying to the music. He held her close as they danced, the guests seeming to disappear as they locked eyes. In that moment, Calum knew. Cassie was the only one he'd ever love, but he also knew that loving her could be the most dangerous thing for both of them. He loosened his grip on her hips as the beat dropped, spinning her around. Her eyes sparkled under the dim chandeliers and her laugh warmed the room. Calum grinned as he watched her. Her smile was enough to make him forget the danger lurking out there for them. He pulled her back to him and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was full of something Cassie had never felt before. It was soft, it was secure, and it was love. And then, just like that, it was gone. The song ended and their moments together were slipping away into memories. "I'm gonna get another drink. Do you want anything?" Cassie asked him.

"No, I should be fine. Thank you." He kissed her head and watched her walk over to the bar. He continued to watch her until a client came up to him and started talking. Cassie downed her drink and walked to the side door. She walked out into the chilly night air and took a deep breath. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. She fanned herself with her hands to cool herself down. Her eyes snapped open as she heard a glass bottle roll on the concrete.

"Hello?" She called out. No answer. She grabbed the doorknob and turned it, only to be met with a locked door. She could hear footsteps coming closer to her and her heartbeat sped up. She jiggled the doorknob, hoping it would open.

"The door's locked, sweetheart." His voice sent chills down her spine. "I've been waiting for you to make a mistake."

"I didn't make a mistake." Cassie said, slowly reaching for the gun strapped to her thigh. Richard grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm behind her back. She screamed at the pain coursing through her arm.

"You just did." Richard smirked and grabbed the gun from it's holster. "I'm surprised little Calum let you bring a gun." He chuckled and let go of her arm, aiming the gun at her.

"If you're going to kill me, just do it." Cassie looked up at him.

"Where's the fun in killing you quickly?" Richard smirked darkly and grabbed her arms, forcing her to walk. He walked her to the power box and emptied the magazine of Cassie's gun into it.

Inside, the guests caused a commotion over the loss of power. Calum pulled out his gun and ran to find the boys. "What's going on?" Ashton asked as they found each other.

"Which one of you has Cassie?" Calum asked, ignoring Ashton.

"We thought she was with you." Michael said.

"She was, but she went to get another drink and I thought she came back to you guys."

"We haven't seen her since she was dancing with you." Luke explained.

"Cassie's gone.."

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