Chapter 3

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       Sarah had never felt so special. Paul was opening doors, and pulling out chairs, and making her feel like a queen.

     Paul and Sarah walked through the department store, that had been emptied of other customers so they could walk around in peace without fans crowding around him, asking who the strange girl was.

     "Oh, this is perfect for you!" Paul exclaimed, as he held up yet another dress.
"Honestly, Paul, I think five dresses is enough!" "Nonsense luv, a girl can't have enough dresses, hasn't anybody ever told you that?!" "No actually, no one ever has." "Which is why you need more dresses, come on, try this on!" "Alright, but after this can we get something to eat?! I'm starving!" "Yes, we'll go get something to eat, I promise."

  After that, they went out for fish & chips, then went home.

"Well, where can I put all this? I haven't got a bedroom here, you know!" "Yes you do, follow me, I'll show you to your room, me lady..." Paul did a little bow, and arm swooping thing, causing Sarah to laugh.

After all her dresses were hung up, she went back downstairs to find Paul in the kitchen making tea.

  "Umm..I need to go back to my uncles house, not to stay, but I gotta get some stuff." "Ok, but I'm going with you." "Great, I was hoping you would."

   They had tea and cookies, of which Paul kept telling her they were called biscuits in Britain...

  "They are cookies!" "Biscuits!" "Cookies!" "Biscuits!" "No, they are cookies!" "Biscui..." Sarah ended the argument by stuffing one in his mouth.

"Cookies!" He smiled. "Ok, you win, they're cookies."

  Soon after, they left for her uncle's house. Sarah stood in front of his car terrified. "Don't be scared Sarah, I'll be with you every second, and I won't let him touch you." She took a breath, and let it out.. "Ok, let's go and get this over with." Paul took her hand in his, and they both walked up to the door.

  The door opened, and Sarah was surprised that it wasn't locked.

  Beer cans littered the living room, as well as food, and assorted types of trash.

  They made their way through it, and to her room. "Well, where is he?" "I don't know, but I'm glad he's not here!" She went to her closet and took out her suit case, and began to pack up her few clothes, as well as some pictures, and other things that girls need. Paul turned his head when she picked up a box of tampons.

  He wondered out of her bedroom, and began to look around.

  Then he found him...

  "Uhh Sarah... I don't think he's gonna bother you anymore!" "What! What do you mean?!" She turned the corner, and saw him too....the dead body of her uncle hanging in his room.

  She screamed, and ran out. "I gotta get outa here!" She grabbed her suit case and ran out the the door.

Paul trailed behind her..

  "We've got to call the police Sarah!" "Ok, but let's do it at your house!"

Paul started the car, and promptly went home, and called them.

  She sat there on the sofa and answered their questions, as Paul sat beside her, with an arm around her.

  Satisfied, they left, to tend to what they had to do.

  "Sarah, everything is gonna be alright, I promise. He won't hurt you anymore. And by the way, this is not just my house, it's yours." As he said this, he folded both arms around her waist, as she rested her head on his chest. "Your life is gonna change Sarah, I'm going to make sure of it."

"No one's ever been so nice to me, not ever..." "Sarah...." "Yes Paul?" "I love you.." He kissed her forehead, her nose, then finally, her lips..

  "I love you too Paul.."

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