Chapter 24

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   Another week went by, and Paul and Sarah were ready to go home.

The stroller was returned to Andrea, and the umbrella was given to her.

Addresses were exchanged, with promises to write.

Bags were packed, and loaded up in the car. Andrea drove them to the airport, and hugged them goodbye.

She waved goodbye, as the plane took of, and wished that she could've gone with them.

Not long after the night that they had the cookout, Andrea had given Joe his walking papers, as she was tired of his drinking.

Although this saddened Sarah and Paul, they knew that it was for the best, because Andrea deserved someone who would treat her better, and not drink like Joe had done.

  As the plane climbed, both held onto one child, as they cried hysterically,  soothing them, and assuring them everything would be alright.

Eventually the plane did level out.

"See I told you everything would be alright, isn't this fun?" Emma only sucked on her thumb, while little tears were still in the corners of her eyes.

Ian seemed to be braver than his sister. He had just fallen asleep.

"Are we gonna go through this every time we take them flying?" She asked, as she took Paul's hand.

"Well, I think eventually they will get used to it. It's the climbing that they don't like, every other part of it they seem to be fine with."
" There is the taking off, they don't like that either. But, tell me this, how did you get him to sleep?"
"I dunno, I just kinda rocked him..."
"Ok, I'll try to rock her..."

She did, and soon enough she fell asleep as well.
"How did we do this the first time?"
"Bout the same I think.."

Sarah sighed, and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Do you need Daddy to rock you to sleep too?" Paul grinned.
"You can do that later.."
"Oh really? I have something to look forward to.."
"So do I!"
"You know what?!"
"You are the only woman I have ever met who likes sex as much as me, I mean, you're always ready, and I don't have to beg and plead like I did someone else...."
"Who are you talking about?"
"Oh her....."
"I mean, she was fine in the beginning, then she acted like she couldn't be bothered.."
"That's probably why I cheated as much as I did.."
"Yes luv."
"You're not cheating on me, are you?"
"No, of course not! You're always ready for it, and I've even heard you ask me for it a few times. Why would I cheat and mess that up?!"
Sarah smiled.

"I love you Paulie.."
"I love you too darling," he said as he kissed the top of her head.

"Hey! You missed my lips!"
"Oh, I'm sorry..."

She lifted her head, and Paul kissed her correctly.

"Hey, you know what?"
"I'm hungry! But, it's gonna be hard to eat, holding them.."
"I'm sure there's a way around that.." he said as he flagged a stewardess down."

"May I help you sir?"
"Just wondering when lunch will be served.."
"In about 15 minutes."
"Alright,  thank you.."
"You're welcome, oh and If you don't mind sir, One or two of us may be available to hold your little ones while you eat."
"Why, thank you."
"You're very welcome, and may I just say, that you can trust us."

Paul nodded, and thanked her.

"See, I told you, there was a way around it!"

  Just before lunch was served, two stewardesses came, both oohing and ahhing, about how cute the babies were.

"And don't you worry, we'll be right over there, in plain sight."
"Ta, we appreciate that."
"Oh, it's our pleasure. It's not every day that we get to hold Paul McCartney's babies.."

"Oh, I forgot...umm...we need to see someone who does the food.." Paul said.

Soon, someone came out.

"Yes, how may I help you?"
"I apologize for the lateness, but I just wanted to tell you that we're vegetarians."
"Oh, alright, I think we can work around that. Thanks for letting us know.
"You're welcome."

A short time later lunch was served.

Paul and Sarah got a salad.
"What kind of dressing would you like?"
"Umm....ranch, please?" Sarah said.
"Umm...I'll take thousand island." "Ok, here you go.." "Ta." "You're welcome sir."

"You know, when we get home, we need to go to the supermarket."
"Yeah, I know, and that's gonna be interesting..."
"Yeah, well, we'll figure it out soon enough.."

They ate their salads, and Emma and Ian were returned to them.

The rest of the flight went smoothly, and before long, they had landed, and not long after that, they were in Paul's car, on their way home.

Sarah fell face first onto their bed.. "oh, where have you been all my life!!"
She sighed, as Paul walked into the room.

"You will be happy to know, that both Emma and Ian are sound asleep in their cribs."
"That's good, cause I feel like I could sleep forever!"
"Jet lag!" Paul replied, as he laid down beside her.
"I'll let you get a kip, and I'll cook us a little dinner."
"You're not tired?"
"No, not really... You know, I fly a lot, so I got used to it."
"Oh, ok." She snuggled into her pillow, and soon was asleep.
"Looks like I got all my babies to sleep," he said as he kissed her forehead.


While Sarah, Emma, and Ian slept, Paul went to the supermarket, then came home and cooked dinner.

When Sarah woke up, the babies were awake as well.

After diapers were changed, she made her way to the kitchen.

"Hey, why didn't you tell me they were up,  I could have carried one downstairs."
"Well, I assumed you were busy, so..."
"I'm not too busy for my children.. Besides, everything's done."
"Good, cause I'm hungry! What do we have?"
"Well, we have vegetable soup, garlic bread, a salad, and a lemon pie... I know how much you love lemon!"
"I do, thank you!"
"You're welcome, oh, and the babies, i have their bottles, and some veggie baby food..."

She helped Paul put them into their highchairs.

"You go head, I'll feed them.."
"Well aren't you gallont!"
"Well, yes I am, me lady!" He did a little bow, tipping an imaginary hat for emphasis.

They had a delightful first vegetarian meal. This was going to work...

"Hey, I was just thinking.... umm...why don't I go do some shopping tomorrow...we need some books on the subject of vegetarianism, and maybe some fresh veggies and fruit..."
"Sounds like a grand idea, my love.....then his mind kinda wondered off.."
"Earth to Paul!" Sarah said as she waved her hand in front of his face.
"Oh, I'm sorry luv, that's a grand idea..."
"You already said that.."
"Sorry, but I've got a song running around in me head."
"Better put a stop sign up in there, or you just might have a 3 song pile up, with all the other songs running around in there!"
"HaHa, good one!" They both laughed.

"Well, I'll drive you.."
"No, Paul, I can walk...It's right down the street, and I can carry a large bag....maybe two.."
"You're sure?"
"Yes dear, nothing to worry about!"

Paul didn't offer another word, but he couldn't help thinking this was a bad idea!

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