Chapter 29

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    They had had a very nice, long vacation, but Paul had started to wistfully talk about London, and Sarah knew they were about to go back.

   Emma and Ian were just starting to walk, and both had started to cut some teeth.

  They day that Paul told her that he wanted to go back to London, she smiled, kissed him, and immediately started packing.

  It was a bit sad, leaving this little paradise that the two of them had made. But Paul promised that they would come back, one day.

"What about the plants, and the animals?" Sarah asked, as they were packing.
"Well, I've hired the neighbors to take care of them. It'll be ok darlin." Something in those words caused a reaction, as she turned, so he wouldn't see her tears.

  Paul noticed how she abruptly turned away from him, and immediately turned her back around.

He saw the tears, and the heartbreak underneath them. He took her in his arms, as she cried on his shoulder.

"Baby, I didn't know that this was going to affect you this bad, I'm so sorry!"
"It's ok, I...I know I'm your wife, and I must follow you wherever you go. I'll be ok soon." She attempted a smile, but failed.
"Sarah, you have a right to voice your opinion. Don't keep it locked up, talk to me."

Sarah nodded, as Paul continued to talk.....
"I think I can be a little selfish sometimes, and I don't always consider your feelings. I'm sorry for that too. Now, would you rather stay here? I could drive to London and back."
"What is it you're supposed to be doing in London? You never told me."
"I didn't?? Hmm....I thought I did... Anyway, I've decided to do another album. I needed some help with it."
"Oh...Paul, that's too much driving, to London, then back to Scotland. No, I'm the one being selfish. We'll both go. My home is where you are."
"Sarah, you haven't got a selfish bone in your entire body. But I do appreciate what you said though.." Paul stood back, and looked at her."
"Sarah, do you know how much I love you? You are my home. Everything I do is meaningless without you at my side, and in my arms. But, it breaks my heart to see you sad like this.  Tell ya what..we'll go spend a few weeks there, and then we'll come back here, ok?"

  Sarah seemed to brighten up, and smiled. "Ok Paul, thank you." Paul took her in his arms once more. "No, thank you, my sweet angel." He kissed the side of her face, as he held her tight.

  They continued packing, and soon had everything they were gonna take with them in the boot of the car.

Paul talked to the neighbors, and paid them their first payment for taking care of everything.

Sarah even talked Paul into taking the dog and the cat with them to London.

So, they were all packed in, Paul, Sarah, the kids,  the cat and the dog. Paul started the car, and they were on their way back to London.


It was a long drive, with Paul having to stop, every few miles so Sarah could go to the loo, as well as to tend to two cranky babies, who were not happy staying in their car seats this long.

  Eventually, they reached London, and soon enough they were parked in front of their house.

  It took all day to air out the house, that had been locked up so long, as well as unpack, and tidy the place up.

Finally, they were able to rest. Emma and Ian slept in their cribs. And Paul and Sarah in their bed, with the dog at the foot of the bed, and the cat laying on Paul's pillow.

  Paul was too tired to care, and soon all were asleep.

  But deep in the night, something stirred. No one saw, because they were all asleep.

The cat picked up her head, sensing something, but seeing nothing, she went back to sleep.


The morning sun came in through the windows, waking Sarah. She rose, put on her house coat, and proceeded to the nursery.

"Ouch! I don't remember this chair being here!" She said, then suddenly remembered Paul was still asleep.

She crept out of the room, looking around...everything had changed....

The furniture, carpet, and even the pictures on the walls were different.

But the worst of all, was when she opened the door to Emma and Ian's room...

  They weren't there, neither were their cribs.

  "Paul sleepily walked out into the hall.
"What is wrong with you? You're going to wake up the neighborhood!"

She turned to face him, but he had changed. He was younger, and Sarah was suddenly scared.

"What happened to you, and our children?"
"What?! First of all, I'm just fine, and second, we don't have any children!"

         Sarah fainted.

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