Chapter 17

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   The days, nights, and months passed. Before either of them knew it, it had been six months.

    Both babies were rolling over and sitting up. Emma could sit up unaided, though Ian needed a little more time.
   Both were crawling all over the place, although Ian was still doing army crawling. 

     Paul and Sarah had to be careful when walking for fear they would step on one of them.

    Being the wonderful father that he was, Paul loved to get down on the floor and play with them.

    Their first album together was going well too. It would be released the following year.

    Although Sarah had been a novice in the way of singing, she proved to be better than either of them thought she would.

      The bad news was that John had not been happy that Paul and Sarah were soon to release an album, though he and Yoko were doing the same thing.

     John had been seen, and heard on many talk shows, calling them mediocre, and talking about, as he called, Paul allowing his old lady to be in the band.

   Once again, John had been doing the same thing with Yoko, but he seemed to forget that point.

   All in all, Paul and Sarah took everything in stride....that is, till Sarah's  stomach started hurting!

  She had been on the floor, where she spent most of her time, as it was easier to tend to Emma and Ian that way.

  Paul was in the kitchen....

  "Paul..." She called from the living room.
"Yes darling, need something?"
"Yeah, I need for you to watch Emma and Ian for a few minutes. My stomach hurts."
"Oh, alright.." He went into the living room, and she got up to go to the loo."

Five minutes later she walked out of the bathroom.

"Feel better?"
"Not really, my stomach still hurts."
"Well, why don't you go lay down, I'll take over with Emma and Ian."
"Ok, thank you Paul."
"You're welcome darling."

  Paul stayed down on the floor for a while, playing with Emma and Ian, and had them laughing, as he tickled them.

  Thirty minutes had gone by, and the babies soon got tired, and Paul put them down for a nap.

  He had just put them down, when he heard Sarah cry out for him.

  Running in, he found her in tears, holding her belly.

  "What's wrong luv?"
"It hurts!!"
"Where does it hurt? Show me.." She pointed to her right side.

  Every time a sharp pain hit, she screamed into her pillow.

  Paul stood there helpless, not knowing what to do. Then he thought of his Aunts...

  "Auntie, could you come over please? There's something wrong with Sarah! I don't know what to do!"

His Aunt was there in no time, and looking in on Sarah.

"Yes, Auntie?"
"Call an ambulance now!"
"What's wrong with her?!"
"No time to explain, just get them here as soon as possible!"

  Paul was on the phone calling an ambulance, as his Aunt still did her best to tend to Sarah.

The ambulance came, and it was decided that she needed to go to hospital.

"Paul, you go. I'll stay here with the little ones."
"Alright, thanks Auntie.."

With that Paul jumped in his car, so he could follow the ambulance to the hospital.

  Once there, she was taken back and examined.

  "Mr McCartney..." A nurse walked out into the waiting room.
"We need you to sign this consent form so we can operate on your wife."
"What's wrong with her?"
"She has appendicitis."
"Oh God! May I see her please?"
"I'll have to check if that's alright with the Doctor, hang on I'll be right back."

Paul signed, and the nurse went back to where Sarah was, and returned a few minutes later.

"Come on back Mr McCartney.."

Paul followed her to Sarah's room, and found her in a bed, giggling."
"Hey luv, what's so funny?"
"Oh..hey Paul, you're here...oh, My Doctor told me a joke. It was funny!"

"Umm...the Doctor gave her some morphine, that's why she's like this."

Paul reached down and stroked her hair, and smiled down at her in the bed.
"Darling, you're going to have a bit of surgery, but you'll be just fine. I'll meet you in recovery."
"Ok Paul."
"I love you baby."
"I love you too Paul" She smiled back up at him, as a nurse walked in.
"I've got to take her down to theater now."

She went about her task of getting the bed ready to wheel down the corridor.
"Mrs McCartney, I'm gonna give you something to relax you, alright?"

The nurse then put some meds in her IV, then took her from the room.

How long will she be in theater?" Paul asked the nurse.
"It's hard to say  sir, perhaps a couple hours. Someone will be in when it's done, to let you know how it went."

Paul nodded, and Sarah was wheeled out of the room.

  He sat down, and silently prayed, "Oh Lord, please let her be alright?! I can't lose her!"


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