Chapter 18

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    Sarah lay in recovery unconscious, still under anesthesia, as Paul sat beside her, with his head on the side of her bed, with hands folded in  prayer.

  The surgery had gone well, and her appendix had been removed successfully.

"Oh God, thank you, thank you!" He prayed.

Paul was not normally a praying man, but Sarah was the love of his life. God had heard his prayer, and he was grateful.

As he sat there, head down on her bed, he felt a hand touch his hair. He looked up to see Sarah smiling back at him.

"Oh, you're awake.." Smiled Paul.
Sarah whispered...."yeah."
"Oh darlin, you have no idea how happy I am to see those pretty eyes!"

Sarah smiled, and looked at him wistfully..

"If it's half as much I'm happy to see you, I have some idea.."

She suddenly winced...

"Are you in pain luv?"
"Yeah, kinda.."
"I'll go find a nurse."

He walked out for a couple of minutes, and returned. A nurse came in behind him a few minutes later, and put some pain medication in her IV.

"Whooooo....., oh wow....."

"Do you Feel better?" Laughed Paul.
"Oh yeah, much better!" She smiled.
"What did you give her?" Paul asked the nurse.
"I gave her some morphine. It'll make her a little giddy for a bit."
"Oh, alright, thanks nurse."
"Oh, you're welcome." She then walked out, leaving Paul and Sarah alone once more.

"What about Emma and Ian?"
"Don't worry about them, luv, Auntie Gin, and Auntie Millie has them. They're fine. You just concentrate on getting better."

Sarah nodded.

She giggled, suddenly amazed at something....

"What is it luv?"
"When I move my hand this way, it's like in slow"

Paul propped his elbow on the side of her bed..

"You're stoned! My wife is stoned!" He laughed, as Sarah continued to giggle.

"My giggle bunny!" Paul continued to laugh as Sarah waved her hand back and forth.

"Giggle bunny?!"
"Yes luv, you're my giggle bunny!"

Sarah laughed...
"Ok Paul, I'll be your giggle bunny.."

"I love you Paulie..."
"I love you too giggle bunny!"


The next day she was released from hospital, and Paul took her home.

Auntie Gin and Auntie Millie were waiting when she got there.

"Welcome home Sarah!" Both ladies hugged her as she came in.

She was immediately put to bed, and Millie and Gin were on duty to make sure she rested.

Paul reached to hug and kiss her, as Gin pulled him away.
"Don't you get her all worked up, she needs to rest!" She then straightened her covers.

"Dinner will be ready soon luv, we've made you some hot soup, it's just what you need to recover."
"Thank you Gin."
"You're welcome sweet heart, and you Paul, off with you, and let her rest!"

Paul leaned in to kiss her one more time, as Gin once more shooed him away.
"Alright, alright Auntie, I'm going...."

"I love you Paulie..."

Paul blew her a kiss from the door way....

"I love you too giggle bunny!" He winked, and Sarah giggled.

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