Chapter 5

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This is Sarah.....

She was plain, but to Paul, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever met

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She was plain, but to Paul, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever met.

  One thing he hated was, as he called it, her aunt Jemima hat, and was determined to one day get rid of it.

Some of Her likes & dislikes.....

Likes: pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream, the colour pink, beautiful sunsets..(Paul wanted to show her some sunrises, but she told him, and I quote..."You wake me up that early, I will hurt you!"

favorite flower: gardenia
Favorite food: anything with shrimp in it.

Dislikes: Grits, coffee, and sweet pickles. People being bossy and rude, and people trying to show off their intelligence, like she is stupid.
  That was something that she had learned was bad since she had been with Paul.

This is what he had learned so far, and intended on learning more.

  After his marriage proposal he immediately went out and bought her a ring, and brought her along to pick it out.

  Once inside the store, Sarah wondered over to the cheaper rings, but Paul pulled her over to the more expensive ones.

"Sarah, you have been treated like shite, and been poor and unwanted. That is no longer who you are, and I'm going to make you believe it. Ok?" "Ok," she said as Paul gently guided her over to where he wanted her.

"Now, do you see anything you like?" "Oh, they're all beautiful, but I think I like that one the best.

"Excuse me, could we see that one please?" Paul asked the man standing by the counter.

  "What size?"
"Umm....Sarah, what's your ring size?" Asked Paul. "I don't know, I've never worn a ring before."

"That's alright, we have a sizer." Then the man reached under the counter, and pulled out a chain full of silver rings.

"Now, just try each of these on till you find the one that fits."

  Sarah did, and the 3rd one fit.

  "What size is this?" She asked the man.
"That would be a 6." Then he reached under the counter once again, and pulled out the ring.

" Then he reached under the counter once again, and pulled out the ring

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This is the engagement and wedding ring set.

She tried it on, and beamed.
"Oh my God, I love it! May I have this one?"

"Yes darling, you most certainly may."

"We'll take this one." "Very good sir." Then she slipped it off her finger and handed back to the man.

She busied herself looking around, as Paul paid for her rings, as well as a wedding ring he had picked out for himself.

"You ready luv?" "Oh, yes." "Was there something else you would like?" He had noticed that she had been looking at the necklaces.

"Oh, umm..nothing, just looking."

Paul came to stand behind her, and wrapped his hands around her waist.

"Alright, baby, tell me which one you like.." With a shaking hand she pointed to one of the necklaces. "I...I like that one."

"Excuse me, we'd like this necklace please?"

As quick as a wink, the man was behind that particular counter. He pulled the ring out of the case, and handed it to Paul.

  "Now, let's see how it looks....," he said as he unhooked it and put it around her neck.

," he said as he unhooked it and put it around her neck

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"Oh Paul!" She smiled back at him. " Paul smiled back, then addressed the man once more.

"Umm...would it be ok if she wears it out of the store?" "No problem at all sir..." Paul went to pay for it, as Sarah found a mirror and admired her new necklace. 

She turned as Paul turned from the counter, and took his hand, as he led her out of the door.

  "Paul, I love you!" "I love you too darling," Paul said as he hugged and kissed her in the car.

"Now, let's make this official..." He said as he reached into the bag.  Taking the engagement ring out of the box, he placed it on her finger.

  She sat and stared at it for several minutes, and tears began to show in the corners of her eyes, then one fell down her right cheek,  making Paul's heart melt. He reached and wiped it away with his finger.

  "Oh Paul, you are the most wonderful man I have ever met...and I.....I can't hardly believe this all started because I needed a place to stay!" She said, as she turned towards him.

  Paul reached and put his arms around her. "Darling, I have fallen madly in love with you, and I can't imagine my life without you in it."

  Sarah bent her head, as more tears fell, giving Paul a chance to kiss her forehead.

"Listen luv, things are gonna be different, and some things may be hard to handle, but I promise you, I'll be by your side each and every step of the way." Sarah smiled, and kissed him, and he wrapped his arms tighter around her.

"And one other thing," Paul said as he pulled away slightly to look into her eyes. "My fans are not going to be happy about me getting married, so things might get tricky. Will you be able to handle it?" "Paul, just stay by my side like you just promised, and I will." "Alright, fair enough. Let's go home." He said as he started the engine.
"Yes please?"

All the way home, Sarah couldn't decide if she wanted to stare at her necklace, her ring, or hold Paul's hand. She settled on holding his hand.......only looking at her ring once or twice.


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