Chapter 10

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     This was turning into a good vacation, or Holiday, depending on who you asked, Paul or Sarah...

  There was more to be seen, as well as to be done.

  Paul invited Ed and Babette up to his room to talk about it.

  They were throwing out ideas, and Sarah was taking notes.

  "What about snorkeling?" Sarah asked. "Yeah, i like that. That's a great idea luv!" Sarah smiled at Paul's compliment.

  "Are there anymore museums we could see?" Yes, there are several, depending on what kind of museum you want to see." Ed answered Sarah.

"So, what would you like to see?" "Well, I love history, so....." "Hmm....I've got a couple ideas..." Ed sat and thought for a minute.

"How bout the queen Anne's revenge?" "The what?" Paul asked. "It's a ship, used to be owned by Blackbeard himself! Oh, and did you know that me and Blackbeard share the same first name?" "No, I didn't! Paul, that sounds cool!" Sarah said, turning to Paul. "Yeah, I agree luv."

  "Oh, and if you're into ghosts, I know a few haunted places."
"No thank you!" Paul and Sarah said in unison.
"We'd be too afraid we'd accidentally take one or two of em home with us, much less, visiting their home!" Paul continued.

  Babette sat quietly watching and listening till she couldn't stand it any longer....

  "I can't stand it anymore! Sarah, let's get out of this room for a bit...perhaps go to the gift shop, or go get a cup of coffee..."

"Paul, do you mind?" She asked, turning to Paul. "No, not at all luv...but before you do, come here for a tick..."

  She got up and followed him to a corner of the room.  He took out a hand full of cash and handed it to her.. "Here, why don't you go do a bit of shopping, have some fun..." "Really?" "Yes, perhaps you could find another bikini. You know how I love to see you in those!" Sarah smiled, and Paul kissed her.

Ed did the same for his wife, minus the cash, but Paul did manage to give her a bit of cash himself.

"What's this for?" She asked. "Well, you've been just as helpful as Ed, why shouldn't I give you some? You girls go have some fun!"

They didn't need anymore coaxing, and were soon out the door.

"Now, that they're gone, let's can I talk you into an Hawaiian wedding?" Ed said, clapping his hands together.

  Paul thought about it for a moment....

"So our Holiday could turn into a honeymoon....hmm.... I like it!"

Paul thought somemore.... "If I didn't know any better, I might swear you and Babette are working together in this...." "Maybe we are, and maybe we're not.."


"So, have you too set a date yet?" Babette asked Sarah as they exited the hotel.

"Not really, why?" "Well, I think Hawaii would be a perfect place to get married!"

"Well, I wouldn't be against the idea, but Paul hasn't said anything about that kinda thing."

Babette smiled....

"I've got a real good feeling he might soon."


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