chapter 22

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Around 6:00pm, they went out to a seafood restaurant, that they had actually found when they had been out with the babies.

They both loved seafood, and agreed that it tasted better at the beach then anywhere else.

After dinner, they found a bar, and danced to country music, that Paul had never heard, but loved.

He almost got in a fight with one guy, who was closely looking at Sarah's backside, while they were dancing.

"Hey mate, remove your eyes from my wife's bum, or the next thing you'll be looking at is the floor!" He said to the man, who smartly left the bar, not wanting to get in a fight with Paul McCartney.

The rest of the night went well, as they danced, and had a few drinks, then decided to call it a night.

Sleep deprivation had finally gotten to them, and went to sleep, without making love.

The next morning, they slept late, till around 11:00. Paul was the first to wake up, and got up, and made breakfast himself, for a change, and let her sleep a bit longer.

She woke up around 11:30, and Paul had breakfast on the table, as well as hot coffee.

"Oh....thank you!" She said as she came into the small kitchen.
"You're welcome luv, eat up. Our babies will be back soon."
"Yeah, I know, I can't wait, miss em!"

They ate, and took a shower, had a quicky, as Paul lost his mind again, as he saw Sarah naked, and showered again.

Along around 12:15 Andrea arrived, with her boyfriend in toe.

Sarah went running out just as soon as she saw them pull up.

"My babies!" She yelled as she reached for Emma.

Paul came out and took Ian in his arms, as Andrea and Joe got all their things out of the car.

"How were they?" Paul asked.
"Great, but they got a little cranky last night, probably missing y'all."
"Awe....did you miss mummy and Daddy?" Paul asked Ian, who smiled.

Paul kissed Emma on the top of her head, as Sarah walked up to him holding her.

"Would y'all like something to drink?" Sarah asked.

Sarah then put Emma down in Paul's free arm, and went to make everyone some drinks.

"I've got hot coffee, if anyone is interested."
"No thanks, just need something cold."
"Ok, is Pepsi alright?"
"Yeah, that's fine."Andrea answered.

All drinks were passed around, and Sarah settled in next to Paul, as Ian reached for her.

"Are you happy to see Mummy?" Ian smiled.
"Mummy....I'll never get used to hearing you, a southern girl, say that!"
"Well, I have been in England a long time, guess I picked some things up."
"Y'all should come visit us sometime. We'd show you around."
"Thanks, but I could never be able to afford a trip like that. And where to stay! That would be another issue."
"Well, I would love to help, I would pay for your flight, and as for somewhere to stay, you could stay with us." Paul chimed in.
"Oh really?! Well, that's a horse of a different colour!" Andrea exclaimed.
"So, when would you like to come?" Paul asked.
"Oh, I don't know, what do you think Joe?"
"Any time I guess. I got nothing to do, since I got laid off." Joe answered.
"So you're on the dole?" Asked Paul.
"Huh....what's that?"
"Oh, it's a British way of saying you lost your job.."
"Oh, yeah, I guess I am then.....on the dole.." Joe replied.
"How bout you Andrea, do you work?"
"No, I'm on disability."
"Well, I hurt my back two years ago, can't work."
"Oh, so sorry to hear that. But anyway, we'd be happy to have you stay with us. Wouldn't we luv?" Paul asked Sarah.
"Oh yeah, absolutely!" She answered, still playing with Ian.

Ian wanted down, followed by Emma, and crawled around the floor.

"Hey, y'all wanna hang out for a while? We could grill out. Is that ok Paul?"
"Oh yeah, but what is grilling out?"
"Oh, it's where you cook on a grill, like hotdogs or hamburgers."
"Ok, but that still doesn't tell me what a grill is."
"Hey, I've got one at the house, I could go get it, and the girls could go get some food from the grocery store."
"Great, maybe you and Paul could go together... that way me and Sarah could have some girl time."
"Yeah, whatdaya say man?"
"Sure,!" Laughed Paul.

Paul got up, kissed Sarah, then left with Joe.

"So, we got some catching up to do!"
"Yeah, guess we do.." Sarah answered Andrea.
"Hey, I think I could go for that cup of coffee, if it's still hot."
"Yep, coming right up! So how do you like it?"
"Your coffee..."
"Oh, two sugars and creamer."
"Ok," Sarah fixed one for herself, as well as Andrea.
"So, what happened after you left? You went to live with your uncle, right?"
"Yeah, that was a nightmare! He beat me, and pretty much used me as a slave, till Paul saved me."
"Oh....well, I never liked that man, since that time I met him. But that's so sweet, about Paul saving you!"
"Yeah, Paul is so sweet, I really love him!"
"He sounds like he takes good care of you."
"Yeah, he really does.."
"Hey, you know, he got up this morning, and cooked breakfast?"
"No!.... wow! Joe has never done that! I wouldn't want him to anyway, he could burn water!"

Sarah laughed at that.

"No, no Ian, don't do that!" She paused to remove Ian from a potted plant he had discovered.

Soon after that, Paul and Joe returned...

"Hey, guess what honey?! I found out what a grill is!"
"That's wonderful dear, now I guess it's me and Andrea's turn to leave. So what do y'all want to grill out?"
"Hey, how bout some steaks?" Joe asked.
"Oh, that sounds nice, and maybe we could have some baked potatoes as well, and maybe a salad?"
"Oh, that sounds lovely, here's some money my love.."
"Thank you Paulie!" She kissed him, as well as Emma and Ian, and left with Andrea.

"Oh, by the way, watch Ian, he found that potted plant over there!" She called from the door.

"Ok luv, and I guess we need to keep Emma away as well. She just found it! No, no Emma!"

"Oh dear! Well, I love you Paulie!"
"I love you too beautiful!"
"I love you Joe!" Andrea called from the door.
"Loves ya.."

"We've got to work on your man a little bit Andrea!"
"That's gonna be a lot of work!" She said as they got in the car.

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