Chapter 28

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      Paul stood there, with his camera in his hand, making Sarah want to jump him right then and there!

  "You know, you are looking so darn sexy right now.. if it wasn't for the kids out and about, I would drag you into the house, and rip all your clothes off, and have my way with you!"
"Oh, do tell!"
"I think I just did!"
"You know, I think I created a monster!" Paul said, laughing.

"But you know what?"
"What?" She said, as Paul pulled her into his arms.
"We can wait till nap time, and I'll make that a priority."
"Mmm....sounds good.."
"And I can do this...." he whispered in her ear what he was going to do. She must have liked it, because she smiled, and blushed at the same time.
"What do you say to that?"
"You promise?"
"Oh, I most definitely do!"
"I think I'm gonna get them down for a nap, and then take a quick shower..."
"Good idea luv, cause I'm feeling rather peckish..."

With that, Sarah hurried back to the house, with Emma and Ian..
   "Nap time!" She called out to them. Paul smiled and returned to what he was doing.

He heard the sounds of some protests, so he decided he would go and help her.

Emma and Ian had a nice bath, and a bottle, and were soon off to a nice afternoon nap.

Sarah hurried off to take a shower, as Paul made up the bed, as that was something Sarah had not had a chance to do.

Soon Sarah came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her.
"We won't need this!" He said as he yanked the towel off of her, and flung it across the hall, as he picked her up, and carried her to the bedroom.

True to his word, he must have been famished as he slowly devoured her, from one end to the other.

Sarah tried to keep her moans of pleasure low so she would not wake the babies.

Paul found the right spot, and Sarah tried to do the back crawl up the bed...
"Oh, no you don't.." he said as he pulled her back down.
"I'm far from being finished with you...."

After about 30 minutes, Sarah lay there panting, trying to work herself up to getting into the shower.

  She finally got herself up, and showered.

  As she washed her hair, she whispered....
"Boy, when Paul makes a promise, he doesn't mess around! Wheww....."

Paul lay back on the bed, feeling rather satisfied himself. He prayed that Emma and Ian didn't wake up now, as he had not found the strength to get up and shower and dress himself.

Sarah finally stepped out  of the shower, and looked at him. He looked so cute, sprawled out like that, spread eagle....

She thought for a second.....

"Naw, better not!"
"Umm....don't you think you should take a shower?"
"Yeah, I suppose so..." he said, standing up.

  It had been no time at all, after she got dressed, that she heard Emma cry out, followed by Ian.
"Great timing y'all, I mean it!"

She went into their room, and both babies were standing up in their cribs.

She changed one, then the other, and let them run free.

Paul walked through the house with a towel wrapped around his waist, as they wobbled past him.

"I hope they don't pull that towel off, or they might get a complex.." laughed Sarah.
"HaHa, actually, they're a bit too young for that."
"So, you think you could sit on the couch, with Mr winky out, and they wouldn't care?!"
"No, I don't think they would.."
"Be careful Paul..."
"They're both teething! You'd be sitting there, just reading the paper or something, not watching... and one of em get a hold of that thing, like it's a teething ring or something.."
"Ok, point taken, I'll go put my trousers on..."
"Ok, great idea!, no...the records are not toys!

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