Chapter 6

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"I know, let's go on Holiday!" Paul exclaimed, while sitting on the sofa.

"Go on what?!" Sarah also exclaimed, sitting across from him on the other side of the sofa.

"Holiday!" "Umm...sorry, still don't get mean vacation, right?!" Paul laughed..."yes, that's what I mean. We call it going on Holiday here. So where would you like to go luv?"

Sarah thought about it for a few minutes.....

"I'd like to go somewhere warm, with palm trees." She said, as leaned his head back to think.

He smiled... "I think I know just the place." "Where?" "Umm...I think I'll keep it a surprise for now, but you'll like it."
"Yayy, so when are we going?" "Give me a couple days to make the arrangements, and I'll let you know.." But we can go shopping, to get you some clothes for the trip." "So, I'm guessing wherever this is, it's got a beach, right?" "Yep, so you'll need a bathing suit, and I can't wait to see you in it!" "Oh stop!" She slapped his arm, and Paul pretended to be wounded.

Paul pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her. Shyly, she touched his chest as she looked up into his eyes.

"I just realized, it's been an hour since I last kissed you, and that's too long.." As he said this he kissed her forehead, then the tip of her nose, which made her giggle. Then he brushed his lips against hers, lightly at first, then more roughly as his tongue begged entrance into her mouth. She heard herself sigh, as she melted in his arms.

She was intoxicated, and wanting to go further, but she wasn't ready for that, so regretfully, she pushed herself away from him.

"I'm sorry, I'm not ready for this, please don't be mad?" "Awe, baby, I'm not mad," he said as brushed his hand over her hair. "It's just that I want to wait till we're married to know..." "I know, and it's ok.. but you just wait till our honeymoon, cause after we say I do..." "What?..." "You're mine baby!"

"So, why don't we go shopping, and buy you that bathing suit?" "Ok, let me get ready..."

She went off to get ready, as Paul got on the phone, making arrangements, and it didn't take him long.

"Well, it's gonna be wonderful getting away from this cold weather!" She said, as she came out, putting her coat on.

Paul put the phone down.. "The plans are made. We're leaving day after tomorrow." "Cool!" "Now, let me help you with that coat.."

Later they were in a very posh department store, looking for bathing suits.

Sarah was looking at the one piece bathing suits. "Sarah, why don't you try one of these on?" Paul said as he held up a bikini.

"No, I can't wear one of those!" "Why not? You've got the body for it!" He said a little too loud.

She sighed..."ok, I'll try it on..." A short time later she stepped out so Paul could see, causing him to nearly have a coronary.

" A short time later she stepped out so Paul could see, causing him to nearly have a coronary

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"Umm....that's the one!"

In the car, Sarah noticed that he seemed to be having trouble with his pants...

That night they started packing. The next day, Paul had meeting with someone, Sarah didn't know who. Later she found out that Paul wanted to start another band, with her in it.

"Have you ever played an instrument Sarah?" " Well, in school I learned to play the piano, but i haven't played in a long time." "Well, let's get you to the studio so you can show me what you remember.." "But Paul, we're leaving tomorrow aren't we?" "Yes, but an hour won't hurt will it?" "I guess not"

An hour later she found herself in the studio, sitting at a piano.

"Ok, here goes nothing...."

Paul was floored!
"Sarah, that was absolutely amazing!"
"Thank you." "Well, I think I can work with that!"

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