Chapter 25

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The day started out normal, they woke up, changed nappies, as Paul called them.

Sarah then set off for the shops, leaving Emma and Ian with Paul.

He tried to ignore the negative thoughts he was having, but he couldn't help thinking that something was wrong.

Sarah was having a good time, looking at shops, and even found a book store, and had found two vegetarian cookbooks.

She got some veggies, and fruit, and a few other odds and ends, and then headed home.

She wished she had let Paul drive her, as her bags were heavy, but she had enjoyed getting out by herself for a change.

She didn't see the car that was barreling down the road. The driver was drunk, having had a fight with his wife, and drowning his sorrows with beer, he had no thought to how fast he was going, and so it happened, that he hit this woman crossing the street.

Vegetables, fruits, and books flew everywhere, as the car struck her, throwing her several feet, landing in a heap, bloody and unconscious.

Auntie Gin had just popped over, telling Paul of the terrible feeling she had, and couldn't shake it.

Paul had told her he had the feeling as well.

"Where is Sarah?" She had asked.
"Oh, she wanted to take a walk, to look through some shops. I wanted to drive her, but she insisted on walking. I think she just wanted to get out on her own, you know, just for a breather.."

Auntie Gin sorrowfully looked down at the two little ones playing on the floor, as the phone suddenly rang.

"Hang on just a tic, this might be her..."

"Mr. McCartney?"
"Yes, this is he."

"This is Mary Murphy, at Wellington Hospital, It's my sad duty to inform you that your wife has had an accident."

Paul sank down into his chair, as she continued to talk....

" she ok?"
"No Mr McCartney, she's not. You need to come up here as soon as possible."

He dropped the phone at that point.

"What's wrong, Paul?"
"Th...there's been an accident, I....I've gotta go.." He quickly rose, and grabbed his jacket.

"Would you please...."
"Of course I'll watch them. Let me know when you know something..."

Paul nodded and walked out and closed the door.

All the way to the hospital, he cried, and prayed..

Soon he arrived at Wellington Hospital, and parked.

Walking into the main entrance, he didn't know where to go...

"May I help you sir?" Asked a pretty blonde nurse that looked like Sarah, in fact, everyone looked like Sarah.

"Yes, my wife was brought in, some kind of an accident.."
"What was her name?"
"Sarah McCartney..."

She checked, and informed him she was on the 4th floor.

He silently walked to the lifts, paying no attention to anyone around him.

He arrived at the 4th floor, and found the nurses station.

A nurse recognized him straight away, and knew why he was there.

"Umm, sir, she's in room 5. I'll let the Doctor know you're here."

He nodded, and preceded to room 5. Opening the door, he found a sight he was not prepared for.

Sarah lay there, with tubes sticking all over her, and blood all over her face and in her hair.

She was hooked up to all kinds of machines, including a heart monitor.

Just then a Doctor walked in.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Casey."
"Hello, Doctor," Paul said as he shook his hand.

"Is she going to be alright?"
"Well, we've done all we could, but she has brain damage, as well as all kinds of internal injuries. "
He sighed, and stood silent, as he was searching for the next words to say."

"Unfortunately, we can't do anything else. In short, she's dying. We are making her as comfortable as possible.....I'm so sorry..." with that being said, Doctor Casey quietly slipped out, leaving Paul to slump into a chair, crying over his one true love, who was dying, and there was nothing he could do.

He finally came to stand over her, one hand on the top of her head, and the other holding her hand.

She opened her eyes, very weakly, and gazed up at him.

"Paul, I....I'm sorry...I should have let you drive me..."
"Shhh......everything's alright."
"And the babies?"
"They're fine, Auntie Gin has them."

Paul tried to hide his face from her, in an effort to keep her from seeing his tears, but she saw.

"Paul, don't cry..."

Paul turned his tear soaked face to her.

"I love you Sarah, Oh Sarah, please don't leave me?!"
It was her time to go "shhh.... like you said, everything's gonna be alright.."

He dried his eyes a little, as he still hovered over her.

"Paul, would you ask someone to give me some pain meds please?"
"Sure darling..."

He then slipped out for a few minutes, and came back with a nurse.

"I heard you were in pain," said the nurse.
"What's your pain level, from a 1-10?"
"Umm....about a 9."
"Ok, this should help.." she said, as she put some meds in her IV.


Paul laughed through the tears that were still falling.

"You're stoned!"

Not long after, Paul layed his head down on her bedside, and fell asleep.

A kind nurse came in and draped a blanket over him, and still he slept.

Suddenly, there was a light, and then three people in the room, that had not walked in the door.

One of them came and placed her hand on Paul's shoulder, waking him up.

"'s you!"

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