Chapter 15

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    This was so hard to believe! They were parents, to not only one baby, but two!

  Emma Rose McCartney and Ian Paul McCartney rested comfortably, one in Paul's arms, and the other one in Sarah's.

  "Ian has your eyes, Paul." "And Emma has yours, luv."
"This is so hard to believe!"
"What's that luv?"
"That when we left the house, it was just the two of us, now there's four."

Paul smiled, and looked down at the sleeping infant in his arms.

"Well, all I know is, I've never been happier. You've given me two of the most beautiful babies I've ever seen.....oh, sorry, make that three!"
"You luv, I mean you."
"Oh Paul, I love you."
"I love you too darling."

  A short time later, Paul kissed Sarah, as the nurse came to take the babies to the nursery. He then went home to finish getting ready for their new family.

  Sarah needed some rest, and they needed a lot more baby stuff, as there were two babies now, not just one, like they thought.

    Two days later the new family were all together, and trying to adjust.

  Emma and Ian woke up every hour, on the hour to be fed, and changed, and Paul and Sarah both got up. Though it was hard, they somehow managed, tired as they were.

   It became apparent that they needed some help.

      Enter Paul's aunties.....

   Paul has a very big family, and one of his many family members was Auntie Gin.

   On the afternoon that she showed up, Paul and Sarah were at their wits end, and very exhausted.

  Dealing with an infant is stressful enough for two new parents, but two infants was, to put it lightly, very challenging.

  A knock came at the door, and it took several minutes to get around to answering it, as both were up to their elbows in dirty nappies.

  Paul was the one who answered the door..

  "Auntie Gin! What a surprise, I'm so glad to see you, come in, come in!" Paul said, as he hugged her.

"Hello Paul, I was in the neighborhood, and I thought I'd pop over to see how you were getting on with the new babies.... oh, aren't they cute!"

Paul hadn't had a chance to reply, before she crossed the room, admiring the babies.

  "Oh, they are adorable! May I hold one?" "Sure Auntie, and Paul handed her little Emma.

  She held one for a few moments, then the other one.

  "You two look exhausted!" She said, as she put down Ian.

"Yeah, I won't lie, we are." "Why don't you get some rest. I'll look after the wee little ones."

  Paul looked at Sarah, and she back at him, as if asking each other.... should we?!

  After several minutes, seeming to know what they were thinking, Auntie Gin answered...
"Oh, don't worry, I've been taking care of babies for years. You know I was a nanny in my younger days, right?"

"Oh, yes, I knew that.."
"Well, you two go have a kip, I'll sit here with the little ones."

Paul and Sarah kissed and thanked her, and went to their bedroom.

  Three hours later.....

  Paul walked downstairs, closely followed by Sarah to find the house clean, supper on the table, and two sleeping babies in their bassinets.

  There was also an addition apparently added..

  Not only was Paul's Auntie Gin there, but so was his Auntie Millie.

    "Oh, there you are! Come on, your dinner is ready luvs."

Paul went to hug his Aunt Millie, and Sarah went to check on the babies.

"They're just fine luv, both have been fed, and changed."

Satisfied that her babies were ok, Sarah walked over to the table and sat down.

  "By the way Paul.." Auntie Gin said, as she poured his tea. "Jim would like to know when you might be able to bring your new wife and babies to Liverpool, so he could meet them."
"Soon Auntie, I've been awfully busy, but I'll try to get over that way soon." "Alright, I'll tell him. Now eat up, and you, we need to fatten you up! Paul, don't you feed this poor girl?! She's as then as a rail!" She said of Sarah.

  Paul flashed an apologetic look over to Sarah, who now looked slightly bewildered.

"Don't you worry about anything, me and Millie will be moving in, you know, just until you two can get some rest."
"That's not necessary Auntie. You don't have to do that.." "Nonsense Paul, we don't mind at all."
"No, but we do!" Sarah wanted to say, but instead, said nothing.
"So, how long are you planning on staying?" "Oh, maybe a week.. Oh, I've got a homemade apple pie in the oven, cooling." Millie jumped up to retrieve the pie from the oven.

  "Do you have any whipped cream?" Millie asked, as she looked in the fridge. "No Auntie, we're out." He said as he remembered what they had done with the whipped cream. A small grin appeared on his face, but he hid it from his two aunts, but not from Sarah, who had to hide her face in embarrassment.

  Dessert was served, minus the whipped cream, and Paul and Sarah had to admit it was delicious.

"Here, have another slice.." "No, i couldn't.." The pie was already on her plate, before she could get another word out.

  This was going to be an interesting week!

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