Chapter 12

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Before I go any farther, let me explain that this is a fictional story, completely made up, and in no way reflects real life. Let us assume, for the sake of this story, that there are alternate realities, and in each one, everything is different. If you can grasp that concept this story will make sense.

Now back to the story.....

Paul and Sarah returned to London, and it didn't take long for everyone to find out that Beatle Paul had gotten married.

Many people were delighted, but many teenage girls, who up until now, had thought that they would one day get to be with Paul were beside themselves.

Several emotionally distraught girls, stood in front of Paul's house, crying their eyes out as Paul pulled into his driveway...

"And now it starts!" Paul exclaimed, as he suddenly saw them. Then they saw him, and all ran, and covered the car, hands and faces mashed against the windows, as they banged on the car and yelled for Paul.

Sarah sat there, afraid to move, or even speak, as this sea of faces and hands completely covered the car.

Paul cracked the window slightly....
"Come on girls, let me through please?" Slowly they parted, and allowed them to pass through.

Paul stopped the car in front of the house, and turned to Sarah, as his assistant immediately closed the gate behind them, causing Sarah to breath a sigh of relief.

"Are you ok?" "Yeah, I just forgot how famous you are...all those girls!" "You'll get used to it, and sooner or later they will stop."

Sarah tried to smile, and be encouraged, but she was still very much shell shocked.

Paul safely got her, and their baggage out of the car, but stopped just before he entered..

"Wait just a tick, I forgot something!" "What?" Without a word, Paul picked her up, bridal style, and carried her into the house.

"Welcome home wifey." He grinned, and kissed her, as he put her down.


In time the girls stopped screaming and went home. Now Paul and Sarah could go about the business of being a married couple, as well as Paul's career.

He was no longer a Beatle, but what was he?!

He was a man who still wanted to write songs, and sing them to the world.

He couldn't think of anyone he wanted to write songs with, more than he wanted to do it with Sarah.

"But I don't know how to write songs!" She had argued. "And I don't know if I know how to play anything other than classical music." "Darling, if you can play that, you can play anything."

Paul set out to teach her what she didn't know, and she proved to be a fast learner.

The spring of 1969 saw them make an album together. Sarah was never so happy.

She got to spend all her time with her best friend, as apposed to before, when he went to the studio without her.

Things were gonna get more complicated though, and it started on the day Sarah decided to take a walk.

She went walking through the park, and saw a woman sitting on a park bench crying.

"What's wrong?" Sarah asked her. The lady lifted her head to see who had spoken.

"I...I was at home with my husband, and then I was here....I don't know..."

Shortly before......

Lindsey slept soundly next to her husband, Paul. Their baby, Mary, lay sound asleep in her bassinet.

Something moved, and woke her. She got up and checked on Mary. She was still asleep.

Walking back to her bed, something caught her eye. What was it?!

It appeared to glow, a crack in the wall.. Is that what it was?! She didn't remember there being a crack in the wall..

She reached out her hand, then here she was, husband and baby were gone, and she had no idea where she was.

"Come on..." "Come on where?" "To my house, my husband and I will help you, somehow. I know I can't leave you here like this."

Sarah helped this woman who called herself Lindsey up off the bench, and walked her back home.

"Paul....." Sarah called, as she walked in the door. "That's funny, my husband's name is Paul too.."

Then she saw him......

"PAUL!!!!" Lindsey yelled.
"Pardon, do I know you?"

"You're my husband! Mary!? Where's Mary?! Mary, it's mommy!"

"Sarah, who is this?!" Paul asked, as he turned around to Sarah.
"Paul, she was sitting on a bench, crying. She must have amnesia or something. I felt sorry for her. I couldn't just leave her there."

Lindsey came back in, crying. "I can't find her!"

"Umm.... Lindsey, I'm sorry, but I'm not who you think I am. I've never seen you before, and I don't know this Mary you're looking for."
"She's our daughter Paul. Don't you remember? You're my husband!" "No, I'm not, I'm Sarah's husband."

"What?! No! I don't understand this!" She grabbed her head and sunk down on the sofa, in tears.

"Sarah, we need to call someone. She's obviously disturbed." Sarah nodded, and went to the phone.

A short time later a Doctor came, and sedated Lindsey.

"Don't move her for now. She's probably had some kind of a shock. Her memory will most likely return sooner or later." The Doctor had told them.

She now slept soundly in the guest bedroom. And Paul and Sarah had to figure out what to do with this woman who thought that Paul was her husband.

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